Lola, I heard Gus the Butcher was in town so I hid my two little dogs in my underground bunker to keep them safe.
We took a vote of A2Kers and it was overwhelmingly in favor of the Mountie sticking around for a long time. We're not through yelling at him. The vote was conditional on you posting some pictures of Mr. B. in his hospital togs. One of him from behind toddling down the hall with his sweet cheeks visible from the open gown. Because we love him, we wouldn't want to embarrass him with a very short front view that exposes his deficiencies.
On the other hand I don't want to go so far as to ask for that peek in the hallway.
Not to knock BBB's idea, but I'd rather just see Bernie at the boat thing in whatever his usual outfit is, soon.
Hi Husker.....I hope you're doing better. And hugs to you too.
BBB, I'll ask Bernie if he'll allow his picture taken. I've thought of it myself..........a nice photo to remember the ICU. Unfortunately, as delicious as it may look, I can't get that photo of his backside in the hallway because he's still not allowed to get out of bed. When he goes down the hall, he's still on a stretcher thing. Well, actually he told me last night that they allowed him to get up and sit in the chair in the room for a few minutes. So that's good. He hasn't been allowed until now and he hasn't felt like it either.
Someday soon, I'll take his clothes and he can get dressed and I can take him home in a taxi. And that will be a good day for a photo for sure.
I believe him that he's not going to smoke anymore. But if he tries, I'll put him on house arrest.
Lola wrote:
Someday soon, I'll take his clothes and he can get dressed and I can take him home in a taxi. And that will be a good day for a photo for sure.
Lola, just be sure, when you take Mr. B home in the cab, that Frank is no where in sight because he can cause a small riot over getting a cab.
Lola wrote:Green tea it will be along with a big helping of Gus's charred sheep. Thanks're a dear. That will be all that's required from you. Kiss.
<Gustav lowers his head and retreats to a chair in a dark corner where he becomes a mere observer>
Bernie's survived the first three days after his heart attack. His chances for long term survival are now excellent.
O Frabjous Day!
Please give Gus a deck of cards. He is waiting quietly in the corner.
delete duplicate post
Gus can be heard mumbling in his corner because he can't find anyone to play "Go Fish" with him.
Anyone up for a game of Go Fish?
Uh oh. I just saw Gus follow one of the janitors into the supply closet. This could be dangerous.
When Bear was in the hospital, squinney actually asked Gus to leave!
Lola, all my best wishes to you and Bernie! What a complete shocker though!All of my very best thoughts are pouring your way that Bernie makes a speedy and complete recovery.
wandeljw wrote:When Bear was in the hospital, squinney actually asked Gus to leave!
she couldn't have been serious... we are quite fond of Gus....
squinney was nice to was just that not everybody in the visitors lounge was an a2ker.....she thought gus' ways might not be understood.......(something like that)
yes my ways were a bit disconcerting to them as well... o'course they could hardly ask me to leave.....
What does Gus do with janitors in a closet?
Still sending those good vibes here.