Mom of Slain Soldier Stages Bush Protest

Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 04:38 pm
Mom of Slain Soldier Stages Bush Protest

Saturday August 6, 2005 11:16 PM

AP Photo TXSA101


Associated Press Writer

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - The angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier staged a protest near President Bush's ranch on Saturday, demanding an accounting from the president of how he has conducted the war in Iraq.

Supported by more than 50 shouting demonstrators, Cindy Sheehan, 48, told reporters, ``I want to ask George Bush: Why did my son die?''

Sheehan arrived in Crawford aboard a bus painted red, white and blue and emblazoned with the words, ``Impeachment Tour.''

Her son, Casey, 24, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, on April 4, 2004. He was an Army specialist, a Humvee mechanic.

Sheehan, from Vacaville, Calif., had been attending a Veterans for Peace Convention in Dallas. She vowed she would camp out as close as she could get to the president's ranch until Bush comes out and talks to her.

Local law enforcement officials were keeping Sheehan four to five miles away from the ranch's entrance.

``If they won't cooperate, we won't,'' Capt. Kenneth Vanek of the McLennan County Sheriff's Department, said of the marchers.

He said the group was stopped because some marchers ignored instructions to walk in the ditch beside the road, not on the road.

Sheehan said she decided to come to Crawford a few days ago after Bush said that fallen U.S. troops had died for a noble cause and that the mission must be completed.

``I don't want him to use my son's name or my family name to justify any more killing,'' she said.

Sheehan said Bush administration officials ``don't have a mission and they don't even ever plan on completing it.'' She said she fears that the United States plans to keep a U.S. military presence in Iraq indefinitely.

Sheehan's bus pulled up at a house run by peace activists a few hundred feet from the town's only stoplight. There, she met up with other demonstrators and then led a caravan of about 20 vehicles down a winding road toward Bush's ranch.

The group stopped along the way and sheriff's deputies advised them that if they wanted to go farther toward the ranch, they would have to walk in a ditch along the road.

The marchers walked about half a mile until the deputies stopped them, saying that they had violated their instructions by walking on the road itself instead of staying in the adjacent ditch.

Sheehan protested, saying she had not walked on the road. The deputies refused to let her go farther.

The protesters then began chanting, ``W killed her son.''
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 3,652 • Replies: 63
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Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 05:04 pm
Of course you may think that none of the above are to blame or responsible...It would be interesting to know in such a situation is there a blame?
I believe the soliders have died fulfillng their duty but what share of blame do politican have If any given that many people question the legality of the invasion of iraq?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 05:23 pm
This so called poll starts out with the assumption that everyone shares your viewpoint. Saddam Hussein is to blame for never producing clear verification that he had destroyed WMD and programs, as he was sworn to do as the terms of his surrender in Gulf War 1, forcing us to go in and resolve the question. And possibly also, to some extent, people at home who do things which give aid and comfort to, and embolden, the enemy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:16 am
Thanks Brandon! Actually i had a fourth option in the poll which was 'other..please explain' i didnt come up!
So i added the 2nd post to give people the option to comment which you have done..great!
May i ask why you may think that Scott Ritters and Hans Blix the weapons inspectors were not to e trusted?
Do uou believe there was link between Saddam and 9/11?
What verification do you think i should have produced?
Maybe taking and oath? Is that what you mean?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 07:29 am
It's about time someone's mother or father called them out. When my stepdaughter was over there a year ago and it became more and more clear that this war was bogus and was started under false pretenses, my husband kept sane by threatening to rip George Bush another asshole if anything happened to his babygirl. He vowed to get his hands on him someway, somehow. The fact that parents have buried their children from a war based on lies and deceit is sickening, and the way Bush stands there in front of tv cameras with that arrogant smirk on his face, I would pay good money to see a military mother get close enough to just slap the piss out of him.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 07:47 am

Mom Protesting Iraq War Meets Bush Aides

Sunday August 7, 2005 1:46 PM

AP Photo TXSA101


Associated Press Writer

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - The angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier staged a protest near President Bush's ranch Saturday, demanding an accounting from Bush of how he has conducted the war in Iraq.

Supported by more than 50 demonstrators who chanted, ``W. killed her son!'' Cindy Sheehan told reporters: ``I want to ask the president, 'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?''' Sheehan, 48, didn't get to see Bush, but did talk about 45 minutes with national security adviser Steve Hadley and deputy White House chief of staff Joe Hagin, who went out to hear her concerns.

Appreciative of their attention, yet undaunted, Sheehan said she planned to continue her roadside vigil, except for a few breaks, until she gets to talk to Bush. Her son, Casey, 24, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, on April 4, 2004. He was an Army specialist, a Humvee mechanic.

``They (the advisers) said we are in Iraq because they believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that the world's a better place with Saddam gone and that we're making the world a safer place with what we're doing over there,'' Sheehan said in a telephone interview after the meeting.

``They were very respectful. They were nice men. I told them Iraq was not a threat to the United States and that now people are dead for nothing. I told them I wouldn't leave until I talked to George Bush.''

She said Hagin told her, ``I want to assure you that he (Bush) really does care.''

``And I said if he does care, why doesn't he come out and talk to me.''

Sheehan arrived in Crawford aboard a bus painted red, white and blue and emblazoned with the words, ``Impeachment Tour.'' Sheehan, from Vacaville, Calif., had been attending a Veterans for Peace convention in Dallas.

The bus, trailed by about 20 cars of protesters and reporters, drove at about 15 mph toward Bush's ranch. After several miles, they parked the vehicles and began to march, in stifling heat, farther down the narrow country road.

Flanked by miles of pasture, Sheehan spoke with reporters while clutching two photographs, one of her son in uniform, and the other, a baby picture, when he was seven months old.

She said she decided to come to Crawford a few days ago after Bush said that fallen U.S. troops had died for a noble cause and that the mission must be completed.

``I want to ask the president, `Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?'' she said, her voice cracking with emotion. ``Last week, you said my son died for a noble cause' and I want to ask him what that noble cause is?''

White House spokesman Trent Duffy said response that Bush also wants the troops to return home safely.

``Many of the hundreds of families the president has met with know their loved one died for a noble cause and that the best way to honor their sacrifice is to complete the mission,'' Duffy said.

``It is a message the president has heard time and again from those he has met with and comforted. Like all Americans, he wants the troops home as soon as possible.''

The group marched about a half-mile before local law enforcement officials stopped them at a bend in the road, still four to five miles from the ranch's entrance. Capt. Kenneth Vanek of the McLennan County Sheriff's Office said the group was stopped because some marchers ignored instructions to walk in the ditch beside the road, not on the road.

``If they won't cooperate, we won't,'' Vanek said.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 07:55 am
In your poll you neglected to add The American Public.

We're the ones who go to the mall and watch American Idol while greasy greedy f**ks in big business purchase greasy greedy f**ks in Washington right up to the White House at the cost of America and Americans and wrap it all in the red white and blue. We buy it. We allow it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 08:07 am
Thanks blue, good question, do we the public share responsibilty in the loss of our soliders?

Where do we seperate our patriotism for our country and what we may deem as the unnessary loss of life of our sons and daughters.

Sure they were brave and died doing their duty but was their death a price we needed to pay for a war that many of us are still very unsure about.

I still feel that much of the advantage of the war at the moment seems to have gone in favour of the Iranians, the governement in iraq now is run by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in iraq, did our children die to give these chums of the Iranians
a seat in power?

As it stands that is the reality. And i m not best pleased.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 11:41 am
In fake news today:

George W. Bush Refuses To Meet With
Cindy Sheehan, Says "I'm On Vacation"

"Look, I've got important guests here...don't bother me with dead people."

President George W. Bush, while on yet another month long vacation to his ranch in Crawford, Texas has refused to meet with mother of an Army Specialist slain in Sadr City, Iraq on April 4, 2004, or somewhere around three hundred thirty nine days after the Mission was Accomplished. Citing the fact that the President was taking some "me time" White House spokesman Trent Duffy said that it would be inappropriate for Cindy Sheehan, the mother of slain soldier Casey Sheehan, to bother Mr. Bush with any niggling little details such as her sons death in the War in Iraq.

White House Spokesman Trent Duffy said, "Many of the hundreds of families the President has met with know their loved one died for a Noble Cause and that the best way to honor their sacrifice is to complete the mission. If Mrs. Sheehan wants to know how the President feels about the loss of her son, she can Google up one of his previous speeches and cut and paste her son's name in where appropriate."

When asked what exactly the Noble Cause was, Mr. Duffy assured the gathered listeners that he would get back to them on that one, citing the fact the Noble Cause has changed so many times in the last three or four years that it was difficult to keep track of.

Unnamed White House Source Wegman (Pudgy) Waterhouse, speaking on the condition of anonymity said, "What you Liberal cow pies don't understand is that actually we're doing the country a real favor by giving them a whole bunch of Noble Causes to choose from. If you like Weapons of Mass Destruction, take that one, although I gotta admit WMD's aren't as popular as they once were. Or you can pick the War on Terrorism, the Downfall of a Tyrant, bringing Democracy to the Middle East, Schools for Shiite's, Kittens for Kurds, Supper for Sunni's, Makeover's for Muslims, Safety for Saudi's, Help for Halliburton, Fajita's for Fallujah, Balloons for Basra or any of the hundreds of Noble Causes we've hit upon in the ever changing kaleidoscope that is the Administrations reason for whacking Iraq."

A group of fifty to one hundred supporters of Ms. Sheehan who planned on following her to the gates of the Crawford ranch were stopped after about a half mile, or still four to five miles away from their destination by McLeenan County Sheriff's Captain Kenneth Vanek who said that some marchers ignored his instruction to walk in the ditch alongside the road and actually had the gall to walk on the same pavement as loyal Republicans used when driving their pick up trucks and livestock trailers.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 12:06 pm
I would have voted "all of the above".
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 07:54 pm
stevewonder wrote:
Thanks Brandon! Actually i had a fourth option in the poll which was 'other..please explain' i didnt come up!
So i added the 2nd post to give people the option to comment which you have done..great!
May i ask why you may think that Scott Ritters and Hans Blix the weapons inspectors were not to e trusted?
Do uou believe there was link between Saddam and 9/11?
What verification do you think i should have produced?
Maybe taking and oath? Is that what you mean?

I think that there was no evidence of such a link. Bush said about a thousand times that he was invading because he couldn't risk a Saddam Hussein with serious WMD and had to resolve the issue.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 08:30 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
In your poll you neglected to add The American Public.

We're the ones who go to the mall and watch American Idol while greasy greedy f**ks in big business purchase greasy greedy f**ks in Washington right up to the White House at the cost of America and Americans and wrap it all in the red white and blue. We buy it. We allow it.

That could be a bit harsh. The American people trusted the White House and Congress. The fact that they were lied to by all and sundry - for me at least - reduces any culpability to zero. But then by continuing to ignore the facts, not thinking for themselves and stubbornly and blindly supporting a corrupt administration ramps the culpability up somewhat. But in my country it's even worse. We were lied to by our government but that hasn't dented the popularity of the Prime Minister. When it comes to the stupid electorate stakes, we beat you hands down. Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 09:03 pm
Geez... Rolling Eyes
Some contest, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 09:09 am
Brandon im not quite sure what you mean, do you not think that the UN Inspectors,(who have been proven correct), were simply not to be trusted and the theory that was passed about as fact, that there were WMDS, (which has been proven false) despite it being false still remains a sufficient reason for so many good brave young men and women to die?
Do you not agree they have died fighting for something other than the truth through no fault of their own? Which in no way diminishes their bravery but surely we owe it to them to demand explainations.
What do you say Brandon about the fact that Pro-Iranians are now incharge of iraq? Have our sons and daughters died to give pro Iranians power in Iraq, because that is the reality!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 09:12 am

Protesters near the ranch.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 11:03 am
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 11:08 am
There was an article in the NY Times over the weekend concerning how the Bush team is chummy with Saudi Arabia again, primarily because we really need their oil.

Anger of the fact that so many (all?) of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi? Let bygones be bygones!
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rhythm synergy
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 11:29 am
I don't have a child myself. But this thread got me thinking if I (hypothetically) had a child and this child die in this war. I wouldn't know how to react. I guess I would try to blame somebody for my child's death. How would you react? Would you protest as well?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 01:01 pm
I'd be a raging lunatic. And probably dead. Secret Service would have gunned me down for trying to rip that ******'s heart out.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 01:29 pm
Yep, me too.
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