I tend to agree. We definitely had no intention of hurting each other, but we both definitely wanted to win and so weren't holding back because it was a competition after all. I'm no sport coach but I am guessing there is a line between competitive aggression and aggression where you want to hurt the other person, for example using underhanded tactics.
That said we're both conscious of how family and friends may look at it, especially if they have little understanding or appreciation for combat sport. For example I asked my cousin what he thought about our situation, and he told me if his sister's bestie or boyfriend physically hurt her, irrespective of how, he would lose all respect for him, and a strongly worded conversation or ass kicking would be involved (not sure in which order). Not how I'd react, but I guess he has a fair point, you want to protect those you care about. But then again, we could be doing a non-combat sport like partner dancing and one of us break their leg during a routine, again who's fault would that be, anyone's?
I don't know, it's a tough one.