Done. Mere two hours. Was interesting. Am wiped out. Why does anyone go into academia? Fools!
krsplat. sleeeeeeep. zzzz
Yay! You got through it! "Interesting" -- I'm going to read that as "went smashingly well."
Agreeing with soz' translation. (I would have said' not too bad')
Whew. Somehow I stopped getting updates for this thread and have missed the past week - good going, Dag!
Welllllll, I met sublime tonight
i gotta catch 2 hrs of sleep before i travel to bahstin. i shall let sublime relate the stores of the evening. there were,...well, ... a few. quite a few, truth be told...
was i a little cryptic? i was a little tired. yes, i met sublime and his friend Jeff. we sat in Top Kino - which is this alternative movie theatre with a bar, kinda cool. low key place.
Then we moved to Donau, which is really really alternative place and partied with...errr, who know who they were. owners? mafia? drunkards? in any case, there was a selection of random weird characters. jeff and my colleague wrestled with one, for example, other attempted to teach me salsa to some techno music in the background.
eek, gotta leave to catch my flight in 10 minutes - and i haven't packed yet!!!
(it's a domestic flight. i'll be fine. i'll be there early enough.)
leaving now, really. will say hello to littlek from all of ya.
nimh, did you send me an SMS? i guess so, 'twas a hungarian number.
to see where i'm writing from, view grit and grimace thread... grit grit.
yes i did, i asked you how your presentation had gone!! ;-)
well. it went well. i got an invitation to speak in prague at some interdisciplinary something or another, and this famous historian (well, famous to me, as she is involved exactly in the same areas) was there and we'll meet when i come back from boston (if i ever get there...) and she will give me in depth feedback on my work, tips, books, stuff.... so i gained the best advisor i could hope for. not bad. not bad at all.
hey, nimh, i'm in amsterdam for a night - stuck at the airport. but i decided to unstuck, find a hotel and now....the night is wide open (earliest possible flight out is tomorrow). any recommended action?
oh, just one more thing on last night's 'gathering' with sublime: boy, do I have some pictures!!! you'll have to wait a week, as i forgot my connecting cable.... but the wait is worth... there was dancing, singing, even wrestling involved. we only went home when everybody was positively sure that if we stay one more minute we die. hotdogs at 5am, as a cherry on the whipcream (or where).
Uhoh......when is she supposed to be here?
hiya kris. i'm arriving tonight (still writing from amsterdam) - at around 4:30pm. are you on the cape? and what's that with your sister? i guess we'll talk soon. I'll call your cell to see where you are. meeting adam today. no idea why i'm not writing this in an email, haha, but here it is so there...