dagmaraka wrote:- without a hat i work up a decent migraine by the evening.
A hat? How does a hat help again migraine?
I don't drink coke, only as medicine when I migraine seems to come. Coke with fresh lemon juice.
Mozart hype in Vienna- I can't hear the name any more. And the year of Mozart just started...
ul : if the name mozart is connected with "mozart-kugeln", i have no objection to hearing the name. hbg
(by the time mozart-kugeln arrive in canada they are often a little stale)
hamburger- I agree.
This year you can buy also: Mozart wine, Mozart sausage, Mozart yoghurt, Mozart cakes...
Enough Mozart to upset your stomach.
But the music program is very good.
well, not a migraine, i guess. a head cold. i have sensitive ears and sinuses, so if i run around with wet hair from training in a freezing air, that's not a good combination. ends up in a viscious headache, which i deserve.
be glad it's not a bela bartok year. mozart is at least a great composer, bartok gives me a true migraine. everything bad could be worse.
ul : mozart sausge ? are you having me on ?
i guess in the name of consumption everything is fair game.
mozart sausage must be the first sausage named after a composer.
since johannes brahms was born in hamburg, brahms-burgers will be next, i bet. hbg
ul : i apologize for doubting you !
here is what i found on the "oesterreich" website when i googled for "mozart wurst" :
Von Mozart-Wurst bis Mozart-Bier
Die Liste der neuen Produkte, welche mit dem Namen Mozarts werben, ist lang und liest sich teilweise recht kurios: So hat etwa ein Metzger aus dem Raum Salzburg eine Mozart-Dauerwurst in Geigenform kreiert
(i have an old german book in which a butcher advertises smoked hams with the pictures of the german kaiser and other "fuerstlichkeiten" superimposed on it ! "alles schon mal dagewesen" or in english "done that !")
Wolfgang A. Mozart's Birthday - January 27, 1756.
It was Tuesday.
Dag, I hear you.
Vienna in winter- that asks for fur caps or those huge and warm shawls from Pakistan. Burka style is my winter fashion.
And winter is coming - tomorrow minus 10C.
generally anything connected with Mozart in the food sector is prepared with marzipan - so the idea with sausages is just too strange.
I didn't know that is was a Tuesday.
But I know that one of his sons was a pupil in our school.
ul wrote:hamburger-
generally anything connected with Mozart in the food sector is prepared with marzipan - so the idea with sausages is just too strange.
Bought some cigarettes from the vendor outside his gerat-great-.... -nephew house when passing it
(Augsburg meeting last year)
ul wrote:But I know that one of his sons was a pupil in our school.
But most certainly you didn't teach him :wink:
When I got back from Vienna I found out that we have a
Julius Meinl right here in Chicago. They are having live musical tributes to Mozart on the weekends.
...AAAAaaaaaan welcome to madamaj, the famous colleague from the institute who's been converted to boxing. Sumblime had the honor to meet madamaj over thanksgiving in Vienna.
well, hopefully maj will be posting. for now she decided to lurk and look around the site.
it's the end of vienna for me. leaving next tuesday, wednesday at the latest. just packing and moving ahead.
and the last boxing class. now that's a bummer. i'll miss that place more than anything in vienna i think. No. 18, Gogi, Master, God, Good Boy, White Sweater, Elephant Boy, and of course Johann and Klaudia, the trainers. Sniff. Gotta bring champagne in on Monday.
and a goal for the last few days: I MUST make it to Schonbrunn and Hofburg. It's a crying shame I didn't go there yet. Maybe the Sisi museum, too. I like Sisi a lot, the coolest queen ever.
Did you ever spill about sublime's visit? There was a lot of "busy now, more later" at the time, but dunno if it ever got to "more later."
(Welcome, madamaj!)
there was just a bit, soz. it was a crazy crazy evening, quite wild. it cost us one pair of glasses, one brooch, one pearl ring (all lost or misplaced during the evening which stretched into 4am...)
heh, yeh. glasses were lost by the "friend" of mine (not really) who frankly behaved so oddly at times that he deserved to lose them (waiting for a flash of lightning to smite me).
oh, and brooch was cheap and replaced, and ring was fixed - still under warranty.
That's better.
I'm not gonna hear how all this happened, am I?
<resigned sigh>