Has (Marjorie Taylor Greene) become the face of the Republican party?

Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 01:17 pm
Has (Marjorie Taylor Greene) become the face
of the Republican party?
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Type: Question • Score: 4 • Views: 13,025 • Replies: 146

Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 03:07 pm
They have a template. It doesn't matter who it is
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Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 03:31 pm
@Real Music,
No. She's entertainment to a certain part of the population but she is all smoke and no flame. To me Desantis is the one driving Republican policy right now.
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 03:42 pm
She should not be seen as mere entertainment. But I do think DeSantis is the best option for '24 if Trump is not running (maybe even then?) I don't think it would be good for Trump and DeSantis to be competing w/ each other... you?
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 03:48 pm
engineer wrote:

To me Desantis is the one driving Republican policy right now.

I was just wondering yesterday if he's their guy after seeing some batshite headline about him trying to humiliate kids for wearing masks... I feel the quality that really helped DT was his absolute inability to experience shame (I will say MTG seems to fit there). Is desantis of similar type?
Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 04:06 pm
the older I get the less inclined I am to "feel shame" because... If you are living your life as the Lord wants and some certain thing goes awry through no fault of your own... It is irrational to blame yourself (unless u really r to blame).

So, yeh, it is often an attribute to not be shame-able and not a fault

Why should Trump apologize for being what some Rs have called "Best President of US, ever"?
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Reply Thu 3 Mar, 2022 05:35 pm
I'm reasonably sure I disagree with your entire outlook.
Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2022 12:12 am
You are good with understatement. I'll give you that.

Maybe Trump is the best sociopathic president, if sociopathy is a positive attribute. I guess it is in certain places like Russia and North Korea.
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Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2022 07:08 am
@Real Music,
I think she's more the ass of the Republican party then the face. Razz
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2022 07:37 am
jcboy wrote:

I think she's more the ass of the Republican party then the face. Razz

Great point, jc.

I agree.

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Region Philbis
Reply Fri 4 Mar, 2022 06:07 pm

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Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2022 09:58 am
jcboy wrote:

I think she's more the ass of the Republican party then the face. Razz

Yeah, but the Republican Party is becoming all ass. Maybe she's a specific portion of the ass, the part that makes a lot of noise.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2022 12:16 am
I know many decent republicans, and it time for them to take control back from roller derby bunch. Maybe they can keep the biggest clowns and just not let them into positions of leadership.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2022 08:01 am
I know many decent republicans, but they will vote Republican regardless of who they are voting for. They will say, "we vote for the person, not the party" and then vote for someone completely repugnant because there is an R next to their name. We've seen that in poll after poll, independents are up for grabs, but not partisans. My brother is like that. He is a one issue voter, abortion. He will vote for whoever has that R until the cows come home because that is how he sees a path to overturning Roe. Until decent republicans are willing to vote against their party when it nominates people like Greene, it will keep nominating them. Greene motivates a small group of extremists and with everyone else locked in, there is no reason to not appeal to the extremes.
Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2022 09:55 am
Will conservatives and moderates ever gain control of the Republican Party? I can't see it. Perhaps a schism and formation of a new party is the answer. Will that ever happen?
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Reply Wed 9 Mar, 2022 12:20 pm
You're correct, and I should have mentioned that. I've always had a problem with these virtue enforcers......no one is forcing them to have an abortion, but apparently they don't trust the rest of the country. I caused a huge stir at a neighborhood gathering a few years back with a few who were talking about the necessity to ban abortion because it was a human rights violation. My suggestion was that it was vitally important that we also ban drugs such as viagra, you know, just to help the effort...........however the abortion fans believed that would have been a violation of body integrity for men......I forgot how they explained the rest of it.
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Real Music
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2022 11:32 pm
With an absurd video, the GOP’s ‘Putin wing’ gets a little louder.

Published March 17, 2022

Is the Republican Party’s “Putin wing” large? Not really.
But Marjorie Taylor Greene’s newest video is a reminder that it definitely exists.

After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed members of the U.S. Congress yesterday, the overwhelming majority of American lawmakers responded by endorsing increased aid to the country trying to fend off Russia’s brutal invasion.

But members weren’t completely unanimous on this point. The Washington Post highlighted a video Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene released last night, in which the Georgia Republican pushed a very different kind of message.

“There is no doubt that Putin’s actions in Ukraine are despicable and evil. We weep when we see images of men, women and children wounded or killed,” she says. And then, later: “If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to Ukraine to fight a war they cannot possibly win. The only effective, more arms and more money from America will be to prolong the war and magnify human suffering. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be responsible for creating even more refugees and orphans in an already traumatized and dysfunctional world.” And: “It’s not our responsibility to give Zelensky and the Ukrainian people false hope about a war they cannot win.”

In other words, as the right-wing congresswoman sees it, the United States should end its support for Ukraine so that our allies will lose and Russia will win the war faster.

The Georgia Republican proceeded to blame “both sides” — Ukrainians and Russians — for the “smoldering conflict,” before claiming the Obama administration is responsible for the current Ukrainian government’s existence.

This is, the Post’s analysis added, “precisely the propaganda that Russia has promoted.”

Greene had plenty more to say in the clip — apparently, we’re supposed to believe U.S. officials from both parties have corrupt motivations toward Ukraine — but there’s no real point in going claim by claim, marveling at the congresswoman’s errors of fact and judgment. Indeed, the video itself is a forgettable and unfortunate endeavor from a fringe politician.

So why take note of the nonsense at all? Because it serves as a reminder that the Republican Party has what Rep. Liz Cheney has referred to as a “Putin wing,” and it’s amazingly loud.

As regular readers know, Donald Trump praised Vladimir Putin’s efforts in Ukraine as “genius” and “very savvy.” Soon after, retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor, a Pentagon official in the Trump administration, argued that the United States should “absolutely” just let Putin take what he wants in Ukraine.

On Capitol Hill a couple of weeks ago, a handful of GOP House members opposed a non-binding resolution in support of Ukraine, and soon after, 15 House Republicans opposed a bill to ban oil imports from Russia.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, on the heels of voting against the symbolic resolution in support of Ukraine, amplified false Russian claims about Ukrainian biological labs. Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina condemned Zelenskyy as a “thug” leading an “evil” government — comments that Russia’s state-run media was eager to share.

Responding to Cawthorn, Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters last week, “[W]hen you see a member of Congress say things like this, the one thing I want you to know, they are outliers in the largest sense possible on our side.” The South Carolina Republican had a point: It would be unfair to say the GOP’s Putin wing represents a big chunk of the party.

But it would also be wrong to deny the wing’s existence, and the corrosive toll this might take in Republican politics in the near future.

As for Greene, let’s also not forget that she recently spoke at a white nationalist event where attendees, among other things, celebrated Putin and chanted the Russian’s name. Late yesterday, the Georgian pushed a message in line with the Kremlin’s talking points.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has rejected calls to punish Greene — for this and other examples of extremism — and might even reward her with new committee assignments in the new Congress if there’s a Republican majority next year.

It’s tempting to wonder whether the congresswoman’s newest video might lead the would-be House Speaker to reconsider, but I think we know it won’t.

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Real Music
Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2022 02:15 pm
Judge allows lawsuit challenging Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's re-election bid.

A federal judge in Georgia has allowed a lawsuit against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that seeks
to disqualify her from re-election over her alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riot.

Published April 19, 2022

Region Philbis
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 06:49 am

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 23 Apr, 2022 07:00 am
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:


She answered LOTS of questions with, "I do not remember." Typical cop-out for a crook.

She has become A face of the Republican Party (not necessarily THE face)...and that says a lot about the Republican Party of today. The people who have become "a face" of that party are some of the most loathsome people ever to be in public office.
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