Thu 10 Feb, 2022 01:38 am
My Chromebook's battery has seemed to change literally overnight. It went from having an honestly pretty impressive bettery life, and me only needing to charge it 2-3 times a week (I don't use it a ton), to me needing to charge it every day and sometimes multiple times a day. It's like the battery life was cut in a quarter of what it used to be just all of a sudden.
Nothing noteable happened to it, and there wasn't really a gradual change. Just a great battery life then suddenly a bad one.
This is a Chromebook that I have from school, it isn't mine. So I don't know how old it is. I also can't change any physical parts. But, if you guys think it's a software issue I'd like to try and fix it. Or do you think I should just turn in my Chromebook for a new one at my school?
@Kayster ,
I would tell the school. Maybe they can swap out the battery for a new one?
Downside to cheap Chromebooks.
Thanks, this is what I've decided to do