Who am I?

John Jones
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 12:28 pm
Re: Who am I?
Amigo wrote:
Ray wrote:
They say to be myself but who the heck am I? Am I my feelings, my beliefs? I've had feelings before and beliefs that I found wrong; that I now regret. I had a vague idea back then that what I was feeling was wrong, but didn't really understand why. Now I do, and I don't understand how anyone could say that I could have been my feelings. I also had a strong faith in what I think is true, but now I see that it might not be. I can not really be my beliefs. I have the memory but I don't like the memory, and I don't want to relive it. I'm not my memory.

You could say that I was not the same person as before, but then had I died a million deaths? I can't understand that, and I can't accept any of that.

Don't tell me who I am, and I'll still give you my blessing. Tell me who I am and you'll have my deepest gratitude.
Ray, You have the curse of the thinking man (women).When you are young it can drive you mad at times.But ultimately it will lead to a degree of understanding you will see is missing in others.So take your place at the front of human progess (all thinking people play a part).You can not answer who you are in a couple days.It will make you crazy.Instead learn as you live life and observe it,you can't rush it or youll end up in a cult. "Be carfull who you pretend to be, Because in the end you are who you pretend to be" -Curt Vonegut P.S. I am not a professional of any kind.I'm just another a**hole who thinks he knows what hes talking about.

Put a space between the fullstop and the capital letter of the next sentence.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 12:33 pm
Thanks Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 02:58 pm
Thanks Amigo. Don't worry about typing error, it's not a "scrutinize every little keyboarding error" thread. :wink:

I guess you've been through the headaches of a thinking youth eh? Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2005 08:12 pm
I'm made of tiny little things that I can't see or really comprehend, but they've all joined together to make my skin and bones and everything. One thought, can move all an incomprehndable abount of these things but all I seem to do is blink. My keyboard is made of the same small things but I can't move that with just a thought. My thoughts are electrical impulses generated by the same small things that are causing me so much conuftion.

Am I greater than the sum of my parts? If I was a little taller or blonde or born in to a family of completly different eccinomical, social or religious back round, would I still be "me" as I (think) I know me now? Could I be anyone but just happern to be me, because thats how things happerened to turn out?

Can I ever know rather than assume?

Will this mental babbling ever cease?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2005 04:18 pm
It's mind boggling. I'm now satisfied that I'm a conscious human being and that's all I am. Period. I don't want to worry anymore about this I stuff. It's a bunch of semantical mind tricks methink.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2005 05:07 pm
Ray wrote:
It's mind boggling. I'm now satisfied that I'm a conscious human being and that's all I am. Period. I don't want to worry anymore about this I stuff. It's a bunch of semantical mind tricks methink.

sometimes you function unconsciouly though.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2005 01:58 am
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2005 02:59 am
This thread is interesting.

The first thing that came to my mind was the old zen koan
"Who is asking the question?" or
"What is your original face?"

I think JJ is trying to play the role of the master here. LOL.
((Endlessly questioning until you want to bust his skull or your own; or just drop out altogether. But it's useful for MAKING you give your own answer or lack thereof.))

Dig, dig, dig.

Eventually the word games and semantics and general bullshit will exhaust itself; and you will be left with .....???

....something that can't be put on a forum or expressed fully....
....this is life.....

---- As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing. -----

LOL. Well, it wouldn't be unconscious then, would it?!
Do you have a problem with chaos?
Do you really have to know everything?
I'd probably slit my wrists if I knew everything about myself! It'd be
time to lie down and die. Life is about transformation; Life is change.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2005 06:38 am
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.
0 Replies
John Jones
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 02:53 am
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 05:11 am
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .

0 Replies
John Jones
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 05:48 am
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .


i now the d i ffference betew n streeam and a thohugt s o i t i s i mportant to now the d i ffrefns i th i nk
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 06:06 am
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .


i now the d i ffference betew n streeam and a thohugt s o i t i s i mportant to now the d i ffrefns i th i nk

what is the difference?
0 Replies
John Jones
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 03:22 pm
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .


i now the d i ffference betew n streeam and a thohugt s o i t i s i mportant to now the d i ffrefns i th i nk

what is the difference?

i Thi i nk the d Iffrecne i sathoogh t i s d i g ital an a streamm i sanala logue
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 03:37 pm
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .


i now the d i ffference betew n streeam and a thohugt s o i t i s i mportant to now the d i ffrefns i th i nk

what is the difference?

i Thi i nk the d Iffrecne i sathoogh t i s d i g ital an a streamm i sanala logue

you can not understand someone else and that other person can be conscious. but it isn't just about communication to determine consciousness. sure some things are obviously conscoius like almost all the time if you're verbally communicating, the debth of your meaning on the surface is going to be clear and conscious, but there is much more to thought than surface meaning. an unconscoius which directs and controls much more subtle things like why you said it or what your motivation is. it isn't just the words.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 03:44 pm
What are you thinking that you are? We are what we are thinking, at any given moment. Whatever you want to experience, set a goal, make plans, then stop thinking and accomplish.

You are what you think you are.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 05:36 pm
you can not understand someone else and that other person can be conscious. but it isn't just about communication to determine consciousness. sure some things are obviously conscoius like almost all the time if you're verbally communicating, the debth of your meaning on the surface is going to be clear and conscious, but there is much more to thought than surface meaning. an unconscoius which directs and controls much more subtle things like why you said it or what your motivation is. it isn't just the words.

I think what you said about drawing the line is interesting. I think that the subconscious is the habituation part of our mind. The conscious is what makes the person aware of the action and provides the analysis of the action. The conscious can obviously control the subconscious.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 06:23 pm
Ray wrote:
you can not understand someone else and that other person can be conscious. but it isn't just about communication to determine consciousness. sure some things are obviously conscoius like almost all the time if you're verbally communicating, the debth of your meaning on the surface is going to be clear and conscious, but there is much more to thought than surface meaning. an unconscoius which directs and controls much more subtle things like why you said it or what your motivation is. it isn't just the words.

I think what you said about drawing the line is interesting. I think that the subconscious is the habituation part of our mind. The conscious is what makes the person aware of the action and provides the analysis of the action. The conscious can obviously control the subconscious.

the concious controls the unconscious to the degree which it is aware of what it is controlling. however why it is controlling that or wanting it itself it might not be fully aware of. you do things conscoiusly you think you have control over, and you can anlaize qhat you do have control over, however you might not have complete control and might not understand that in fact your unconcious is controlling part of it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2005 07:26 pm
When you ask the question "Who am I?" I must wonder what you mean by the question. You are not an amnesiac seeking your name; you are not pointing to your body and asking what is this? You are possibly asking a metaphysical question that can only be answered in a very speculative manner. I can give answers, like the experience (not the experiencer) "you" are having right now, or an aspect/ expression of the Cosmos right now, etc. etc. They might satisfy me but have nothing to do with your need.
0 Replies
John Jones
Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2005 03:32 am
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
John Jones wrote:
iknow wrote:
Ray wrote:
That's true. So more complication.

I guess I should have said that I am a human being, a creature with the capability of being conscious or the continuity of a body/mind in which consciousness has and can arise in.

As for the subconscious, it is useful but the conscious should really be aware of its doing.

What do you think iknow?

i think there isn't a fine line between conscious and unconsious but varies all the time and its just a degree of control/understanding what you are doing. and that you draw the line between the two wherever you want sometimes. you'd have to quantify all that you nkow and are doing in order to draw that line in exactly the right place, which you couldn't do since you dont know all of the unconsious or even conscious things your mind is doing.

y ehi th i nk th at a str eam of cc consci iousdnes s is a f i ne l i ne bewtee n .


i now the d i ffference betew n streeam and a thohugt s o i t i s i mportant to now the d i ffrefns i th i nk

what is the difference?

i Thi i nk the d Iffrecne i sathoogh t i s d i g ital an a streamm i sanala logue

you can not understand someone else and that other person it isn't just the words.

ye h so why us ecCapiatAls yoiu scrUf f ytramp
0 Replies

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