I wish to add that I thought my melodies were astonishing. But, I no longer think so. Why is that? Well, if they were astonishing, others would be astonished by them. Also, I no longer think they convey what I thought they conveyed. For example, with my 1st melody, I said it was profound and otherworldly. If it really was a profound/astonishing melody that conveyed an otherworldly scene, listeners would be astonished by it, and they'd say it's profound and otherworldly. Since this isn't the case, that must mean it's just some ordinary melody that I thought was profound and otherworldly, when it really wasn't. So, clearly, I'm projecting false judgments upon my melodies. This is a problem because I want to create astonishing melodies that actually convey whatever I wish to convey. I don't want to be creating melodies that I just think are astonishing and convey what I want to convey, when they really don't.