Yes, but you're talking about normal people...
I'm talking about psycho people. If one of your daughters got in with the wrong crowd and at 15 started smoking, then doing weed and drinking, then started robbing stores, breaking and entering, then graduated to harming people, threatening them, using a gun and winding up in prison time and again ... no matter what you did or said ... it might be a different story.
Look, I have two law-abiding, professional working children who own their own homes, are married and have good lives. I'm not talking about these kinds of kids - I'm talking about the ones that walk their own walk in a dangerous, aggressive fashion in such a way that you can't even imagine giving birth to them.
Your older one was still a 'toddler' or whatever they call that age group now. She's not responsible for how she deals or dealt with situations because she's only 4... but if she were 14 and used a knife on your younger one... unconditional or no? lol tough question, but there are people out there like that.