FayeC | Sienna Frost
The more I read these writing rules, the more I find it funny that the biggest authors keep saying for the millionth time how there are no rules, meanwhile the anonymous keep saying, “listen to these rules!” Rolling on the floor laughing
Straining to keep all my characters together when their individual objectives do not jive. But I think I have an angle -
Yester evening I discovered I put down more words than I actually wrote on the eve previous. So I had to skip updating to allow myself to catch up.
I wrote myself into a corner with Leaving Texas. Felt it more important to fix it than keep up a proper word count. As I see it, NaNo fulfilled its purpose for me, as it advanced my story by leaps and bounds beyond the norm for me. I look upon this as a victory. I fixed the narrative and it is advancing once more.
I'm playing catchup with NaNo. May or may not make the final count.
It got you writing more, and that's what really matters. I've got 49k and will hit the magical 50k tomorrow, but the story is nowhere near being over. It's going to need some really massive editing. Right now, it's extremely talky.
I have it all ironed out now and am anxious to finish because I have a more ambitious project in mind.
I've finished a first draft of Leaving Texas. Going to let it cool as I get back to work on Mining the Dirt For Stars, my most ambitious work yet.