no tangent. you have a good point.
Alot of people jump to that conclusion. They see a woman under 25 with one or two children and automatically shake thier heads and start judging.
I for one am guilty of that as well. Even though I have NO idea what she may be like as a mother, I tend to assume the worst. It is a bad thing to do, I know.
I guess it is because of shows like that where you see these kids talking about sleeping around on their partnersfor revenge.. or boredom..
Not all young mothers are like that.
Hell, you could say not all MOTHERS no matter what age are like that. I have seen some 'older' mothers.. mothers over 25.. that behave like that.
I knew one woman who should have been on that show. 34 with 3 kids and was about as mature as a 12 year old. >sigh<