Sun 24 Jul, 2005 10:00 pm
In January 2006, seer 10 air conditioners may not be bought for installation. Instead, it will be seer 13, a more energy efficient design. Two questions:
1. The copper lines to the outside units are 5/8 in size currently. To change to seer 13 these lines must be 3/4. In apartment buildings, it is not always feasible to go in the attic with these new lines. Since they sweat, and since many evaporators are in the center of the apartments. These new lines will go up on the outside of the building, then go across to the coil. I had thought to run these lines through pvc pipe to catch the moisture, but don't know if these lines too will sweat. I guess if the copper is well insulated first- -
What do you think?
2. Some evaporators may accommodate the new size lines with an adaptor. But who knows which ones?
Nobody I know can answer many questions about the changeover. Hope there are some A/C people on A2K.
I know the A/C unit that was in my place in OK had the copper line run through a PVC pipe duct and that never sweated. I'd think there would be enough airflow through the PVC pipe that it never would. (In a lot of places the copper pipe is run straight through the concrete or brick walls which is just a bad idea. The lime in the concrete or mortar will eat at copper pipe and cause it to fail down the road. You can extend teh life of the copper line by a factor of 4 or more by using the PVC duct and keeping the copper from ever touching the concrete.)
The new lines will never touch concrete or brick.