But that is a belief. You're admitting that what you want to be true or fear is true, is really the case.
Read Terry Goodkind sometime. What is the Wizard's First Rule?
Quote:People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.
Given this, we must ask ourselves, "What is the motivation for selling people on what is potentially a lie?" When we look at who is doing the selling, the answer becomes so obvious that the right to not get vaccinated, or more directly "the right to bodily autonomy" (which is already protected under the constitution under several laws:
https://www.justia.com/constitutional-law/docs/privacy-rights/ ) is of utmost importance. For you see, there are three parties who want to sell us on vaccines.
1. Politicians : who aim to use it as an instrument of control, both by keeping the population in perpetual hysteria by using it to increase regulation, and to possibly rig a few elections in their favor (mail-ins are easier to fraud because there is no in-person ID check of voters)
2. Medical salesmen: who make money of sales of medicine, regardless of whether it even works or is in fact dangerous. If 100% of the population takes the vaccine, supply and demand says that demand is 100% so they can charge hefty sums and
3. Population control nutters: Perhaps most unsettling is the endorsement of people like Bill Gates who are actually on record saying some things about overpopulation. This combined with some places offering it for free tells you that this is not as much about money as it is trying to kill you dead. There is a monument in Georgia that says something creepy AF about reducing human population to under 500 million or so.
(The monument in question)
When I have at least some suspicion that those devising the vaccines actively want to kill me, I think I'll take my chances without it. When governments want to use this as a tool to oppress and control me, likewise no thanks. And I think that it's absolutely ghoulish for medical companies to rush through the testing phase (they did, meaning we are the guinea pigs) in order to try to make a profit before people realize there is nothing to be afraid of. Because once people stop wearing masks, other people figure out things, and the game is over.