Tue 19 Jul, 2005 05:49 pm
Hi, I'm a 14yr old girl and I'm getting my room re done this summer, I'd like some help. I can't really decide on anything. I want something very plush and comfy, with styles, colors and texture to really describe my personality. I have a really cute satin bedspread from pbteen that's purple, I want to get the cheetah print sheets in pink from there as well. I want kind of a rich arabian/girly/glam look, You know with purples and pinks, oranges and turquiose with animal prints and and furry pillows and anything beaded. I'm not sure what other colors to use or even what color to paint the walls, but I hope to do a sky line on one of my walls in chalkboard paint so I can write on the wall. Does anyone kno of what I can do or of anywhere I can get cheap stuff to decorate with? I can make pillow and things if I need to. I'm sorry if it's not much to go on, I just really need ideas.
It sounds like you want your room to look like the inside of the "I Dream of Jeannie" bottle.
Something like that, I suppose, but with a more bright colors and a moviestar glamor style added to it. where can I find anything like that?
hello? can some1 answer me. please?
Yes, I'm here to help. What do you need?
Why don't you take a bottle of woolite and just splash it randomly all over your room. Then when you turn out the lights, it glows. Oooooh...
the post above talks about the inside of Jeannie's bottle on "I dream of Jeannie" as a theme, any ideas on where I can gett stuff like that? it really glows?!
Yes, look at Target - they have exactly what you want.
I'm actually looking for something a little less "little girl" b/c I plan to try to keep most of this stuff for when I go to college. It has to be "grown up" I guess you could say.
I just saw this and wanted to post.
Have you been to Sears? They have this TyU stuff that's cool and not too girly and could definitely last you awhile. I"d check there because I konw what you mean about wanting it to last through college.
Good luck!
I dream of jeannies bottle
I would love to decorate a plush and romantic looking bedroom that was like the inside of I dream of jeannies bottle.
How do I "do" the walls? A wall paper pattern maybe? Sometimes when they showed the inside of the bottle you saw a round sofa, other times, a round bed...... I'd like ideas, too!