Rent A center is designed for people just like you.
All they ask for is ,,a few things.
Youre name,,,and you are who You are!
where do you live..is it TRUE
where do you work, and Do you really work there!
I am amazed at the amount of people who complain about Rent A Center.
YOU....Let me say again YOU... Have PROVEN yourself to be UNWORTHY and they still LET you walk OUT the door with merchandise!!!..
You don't deserve ANYTHING!
But, that is there business!...DIRTBAGS!!!
Yes, it is expensive to rent, but U R A DIRTBAG WHO DOES NOT PAY ON TIME!
You cant pay, but u can get on the ANONYMOUS internet and complain...lol
You're grandma would tell you to SAVE Up and buy it outright, but YOU can't DO THAT!
However, Life happens and WE ALL NEED things....So maybe everyone who rents isn't a dirtbag.
Since the complainers here conveintly Forget to say they did NOT PAY ON TIME.
Let me also remind you.............
When, you do get behind, you're item will be picked up. You LOSE nothing.
You can pick right back up where u left off or change for a similar product.
If you bought a LCD tv from Walmart and it quit working after 90 days You
are screwed.
Did you know that RENT A Center will senD you're TV to get repaired and GIVE you a LOANER in the mean time. And there service centers do work for Sears and other major retailers.
And there is NEVER, a delivery charge...NEVER!
Don't lie, cuz YOU CANNOT pay ON TIME!
They are the largest and the ONLY rental business that allows you to pick up where you left OFF. Meaning you didn't PAY on time AS AGREED, YET they still let you keep, or put the money you have paid towards a similar purchase.!!!
I was a manager of furniture store and was laid off like many americans in these times. I NEVER thought twice about rental or Rent A Center.
As a pure fluke, I stopped by one of their stores of which I had NEVER stepped into before.
What I have found in my first week of work is that it is the BEST company I have EVER worked for.( I started out like EVERYONE else a ENtry level person)
First of all you have to go through training, and the UTMOST IMPORTANT FACTOR of that training is TREAT people with RESPECT!
Imagine that for a sec, NO CREDIT< BAD CREDIT, WE will deliver what you want today in most cases. Yea, in most cases it is previously rented. USED to say a dirty word. BUT YOU WANT IT RIGHT NOW!
If YOU want NEW, YOU can GET NEW!
RENTERS, just like in renting homes are not RESPONSIBLE, which is why they rent. They DO NOT TAKE CARE OF STUFF!
It boggles my mind that the same person who DOES NOT HONOR their agreement to pay weekly on their purchase, SEEMS to have no problem paying for their Cell Phone or Internet in which they ANONYMOUSLY COMPLAIN!
Further more, I am 42 yo and have had many jobs.
They have provided me with, by FAR the BEST training I have ever received from ANY company, and again, I can appreciate that being a former Manager.
Also, I have seen lots of posts of low pay and hardwork.
Freaking BOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and lol
When, I lost my manager job I was being paid 43,000 a year.
A new hire starts at about 10 bucks an hour at Rent A Center.
THats more than I could hire a person at. PLUS.......
It is 10 work days, 5 days a week.
10 hours of OVERTIME PAY!
These days employers are looking for part time empolyees that they do not have to pay benefits or pay overtime.
WELLL GEEEZZZ that SUCKS! IF you Are a LAZY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is so EASY for a hardworking person, WHo just has a little bit of initiative to to progress, its a joke.
I feel like I have hit a GOLDMINE!
I care about people, I care about taking care of my products.
I'm 42 and out work, PHYSICALLY most of my 20 something Co workers.
Which BY THE WAY, thats who is complaining.....
These are the same age group that are complaining, they are good at texting complaints but not so good at doing a honest days WORK!
But, Maybe they can make a YouTube video about how sorry EVERY COMPANY IS and BE Famous......lol
An average manager easily makes more than what I was accustomed to.
In closing, I have read and re read my comments several times.
I am proud of what i have written. So much so that, I will copy and probably paste it in other forums.