You are persistent.
"He did nothing wrong!"
"He'll never be arrested."
"They'll never get him into court."
"They'll never get him in front of a jury."
"They'll never convict him."
If I ever want to know what's going to happen, all I need to do is read the opposite of what you claim.
You think this is about getting even. That this was about outrage over porn stars. And hiding his trysts from Mrs Mango Jebus.
You are wrong about that, too. If he had done it right, paid Ms Daniels from out of his own pocket, no one would have needed to know except for Milania who balanced Mango's checkbook. But no, he had to pull off an operation with the gang that couldn't shoot straight and take money out of his campaign funds and leave Cohen twisting in the wind, and coordinate a plan of lying to the FBI, hiding evidence, witness tampering, destroying evidence.
And those my friend, are felonies.
Ya'all may play a different game with officials caught breaking the law in Fair Dinkum, and I can believe it when I see all the high ranking cops down there facing the bar. It will not fly up here. Especially when it's obvious and pretty much done out in the open and after one screws the only real gangster in the group, Michael Cohen. You did know that by breaking the NDA by going and talking to the Feds, Ms Daniels had to return the moolah?
And Michael Cohen did a Salvatore (Sammy Bull) Gravano to Mango Jebus' John (the Teflon Don) Gotti. The Fed's forgave him for 18 murders he confessed to, including ones he did with and for Gotti and he sang Gotti into a SuperMax, where he died behind bars.
Don't take my word for it, ask the US Attorney who prosecuted Gotti three time over five years to finally nail him. That would be Rudy Giuliani.