It’s not just science, it’s the behaviour of big business.
Monsanto sells its product to poor African subsistence farmers, but these crops are sterile, meaning the farmers can’t produce their own seeds for next year, depending instead on Monsanto. Up to 50% of their costs now go on seeds, something that used to be free, the practice is immoral.
I can’t post links, but google friends of the Earth gm crops and you’ll be directed to a page that begins.
‘ Where they are grown, GM crops are linked to massive increases in herbicide use, the extension of mono-cultural farming practices, and increased costs all along the food chain.’
It’s not just about whether something is safe to eat, there’s a host of other considerations, and something as game changing as altering the genetic code of plants should not be up for profit.
Look at how the agro chemical industries fought against the ban on DDT. You can’t trust these people at all.
You’re the same regarding Covid, saying we should take the advice of government scientists like Antony Fauci, not those whose motivations are financial.