Re: Lash
FreeDuck wrote:Lash wrote:
You are being intentionally obtuse, I hope. More than one person has given you the answer to your questions. Why aren't you reading what people are posting?
Oh no, any obtuseness is completely unintended and mostly due to the fact that you fail to make a point. I am reading what people are posting. Nobody but you has a one track mind full of simplistic explanations that consistently fail to cut the mustard and don't hold up to scrutiny.
This has got to be one of the most incurious and uninteresting discussions I've had on this board. I'm actually sorry that I mentioned this thread to you at all.
I didn't realize this would be sort of a private audience with you ,wherein posters got the opportunity to provide you with reams of information, which you would predictably reject with little more than pithy one liners.
I was hoping there might be an investigatory dialogue.... Had you really examined any of my points and gave credible refutations, or some type of agreement, we might have done something worthwhile here.
You didn't (that I saw) respond to that charming BBB's points....