What's wrong with the Arab world?

Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 07:09 pm
Lash, from your post:
..Islamic radicalism is three decades old and goes back to the period of the oil boom. The huge wealth derived from petroleum in the Arab Sheikhdoms has given rise to the belief that Muslims are favored by God. The extraordinary oil wealth, much like Muslim military victory in an earlier period, is taken as a sign of God's happiness with Muslims and the justness of the Islamic cause.

Maybe we're getting somewhere here. Maybe you were a little angry but your earlier posts were significantly less specific. It would seem, from the posted article, that oil and Islam don't mix. (Hah, I kill me.) So maybe this is an avenue to go down and investigate. I don't pretend to know much about the middle east. I've never been there. I've only met a few people from middle eastern countries. The arabs I know come from mostly north africa. However, it is significant that the origin of the problem appears to be Saudi Arabia, a government we support and have historically propped up. And one the current president has very strong ties to.

But the topic of this thread is what's wrong with the Arab world, not what's terrorism all about and what does the US have to do to win.

So I'll put forward my thoughts about Iraq once again. Was invading an Arab country that was doing two of the three things right, the only one that was making any progress at all, helpful in the goal to bring about an Arab renaissance.

(Please forgive my inconsistent capitalizations, I'm back and forth between here and IM, where I never capitalize anything. My brain can't switch as quickly as my hands can.)
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Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 08:22 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Re: art. The link you posted is very informative and explains a lot about Islamic art and it's lack of idols. I recall that Christianity also forbids idols.

Then, I guess Michealangelo, Titian, et al are figments of my imagination as well. Because Christianity forbade art...? I had hoped you'd be honest here, but I can see you have no intention to look at this objectively. ..

So it's true that traditional islamic art is very geometrical -- and beautiful. What isn't clear is that any other kind of art is forbidden in the Islamic world.

Where are their portraits? Pictures of people? Where is anything except geometric patterns? More importantly, where is their freedom to paint what their spirit leads them to paint? You approve of oppression?

As to the Koran, there was no link so I don't know where you got your info. I looked here and did not find the verses you mention. That's not to say they aren't there, but if the people who practice the religion are as illiterate as you say, they can't read them anyway so doesn't really matter.

It matters to the thousands they're killing. It will likely matter to you one day.

The people I know who are islamic say, unequivocally, that the three religions Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are believers and they must respect one another. Here is what I found searching the Koran.

We aren't talking about normal Muslims. Do you plan to avoid the growing fundamentalist faction of Islam?

But again, I have no interest in defending Islam. If it were a great religion, it would be my religion. The point is that if Islam were the only thing stopping progress, why are there such varying degrees of progress? Why does it appear that the poorer countries embrace the most extremist ideologies? If Islam is the only thing holding Arabia back, how would democracy help? The people would still be Islamic as it's not likely they would all convert.

They would modernize. They would open their minds to new thought. They would expand their horizons. Their religion would experience it's much overdue reform. They would have no need of terrorism, and the hierarchy in the church would denounce it.

Religious fundamentalism is dangerous and repressive, you'll get no argument from me. But if you want me to believe that a religion is singularly capable of holding back 18 countries (I'm restricting to the ones included in the report) you're going to have to do a lot of very good demonstrating.

I'm not going to waste my time. You'll find some ridiculous reason to deny whatever I bring.

You asked if I'd read a link from another thread, the answer is no, maybe you could repost it here. I don't remember seeing one. I did look at the link you posted earlier in this thread that is from a pro-Israeli site that clearly has an agenda. A bit like linking to a site developed by the French to find out about America.
I was unaware (and still am) it was associated with Israel. It said Middle East something...but was linked to articles. If it wasn't a good source, so be it.

I'll bring the other and maybe you can understand how Islam screws up progress. I find it hard to believe you don't already understand.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Jul, 2005 08:14 am
Lash wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Re: art. The link you posted is very informative and explains a lot about Islamic art and it's lack of idols. I recall that Christianity also forbids idols.

Then, I guess Michealangelo, Titian, et al are figments of my imagination as well. Because Christianity forbade art...? I had hoped you'd be honest here, but I can see you have no intention to look at this objectively. ..

Oh boy Lash, this is too much work for me. Christianity, or maybe that's Judaism, or both forbid idols. They don't forbid art. Neither does Islam. Capiche?

Where are their portraits? Pictures of people? Where is anything except geometric patterns? More importantly, where is their freedom to paint what their spirit leads them to paint?

Did you look at the links? A lot of them are impressionistic, as is a lot of western art, but there are depictions of people and things on those very sites I linked to. I had hoped you'd keep an open mind and at least have a look.

You approve of oppression[/color]?

This is one of your typical ploys and I'm not biting.

As to the Koran, there was no link so I don't know where you got your info. I looked here and did not find the verses you mention. That's not to say they aren't there, but if the people who practice the religion are as illiterate as you say, they can't read them anyway so doesn't really matter.

It matters to the thousands they're killing. It will likely matter to you one day.

To the thousands that who are killing? Lash, can you see that there is a difference between terrorists, who may be Islamic fundamentalists, and the rest of the Islamic world? Do you have any idea how vast "Islam" is?

We aren't talking about normal Muslims. Do you plan to avoid the growing fundamentalist faction of Islam?

No, I'm waiting for you to make the distinction. You say Islam is the problem, not the growing fundamentalist movement. In one breath, you say muslims, in another you suddenly act as if you were talking about terrorists and fundamentalists all along. Then you go back to generalizing. Look below for an example. It's very sloppy.

They would modernize. They would open their minds to new thought. They would expand their horizons. Their religion would experience it's much overdue reform. They would have no need of terrorism, and the hierarchy in the church would denounce it.

Do you think this is something we can do for them? Something we can force on them by invading and destroying their countries? What exactly is the heirarchy of the "church" you refer to? Islam is not like Catholicism.

I'm not going to waste my time. You'll find some ridiculous reason to deny whatever I bring.

That's a convenient excuse. What refutations of mine have been ridiculous?

I was unaware (and still am) it was associated with Israel. It said Middle East something...but was linked to articles. If it wasn't a good source, so be it.

So was I until I went to the home page and saw the video. The articles and pictures are very disturbing, but they have a very clear agenda and I'd be careful not to form any lasting opinions based on what they present.

I'll bring the other and maybe you can understand how Islam screws up progress. I find it hard to believe you don't already understand.

Again, is it Islam that is srewing up progress, or is lack of progress screwing up Islam? I find it hard to believe that you can't see past a simplistic explanation that is found wanting to explain all of the problems in the Arab world. You're not even trying to understand or learn anything. You have an idea in your head about people and places you know very little about based on what somebody else has written. That's a great start, but if you want understanding you're going to have look a little harder and closer. If you want to feel comfortable in your anger and condemnation, then dig in and enjoy the ride.

We are talking about what's wrong with the Arab world. Your answer of "Islam" doesn't cut it by your own argument and your own linked articles. Do you have any other suggestions?

I don't pretend to understand Islam or the Arab world, but I'm trying damn hard to. And if I came at it from the perspective you have I think I might never understand.
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Reply Tue 12 Jul, 2005 08:01 pm

If you hold yourself above the understanding, research and insight of the most knowledgable students of Islam and Arab culture, then I waste my time asking you to read what they've written.

I didn't come to my study with an agenda. I sincerely wanted to know what is going on.

I know.

You don't seem to want to.

Your perogative.
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Reply Tue 12 Jul, 2005 08:14 pm
For anyone else reading here who is genuinely interested in Islamic art-- Islam doesn't allow paintings of people.

From the link I brought on the preceding page.

The Islamic negation of anthropomorphic art is both absolute and conditional. It is absolute with regard to all images that could be the object of worship, and it is conditional with regards to forms imitating living bodies. We refer to the saying of the Prophet (pbuh) in which he condemned artists who try to 'ape' the creation of God: in their afterlife they will be ordered to give life to their works and will suffer from their incapacity to do so. This hadith (saying of the Prophet, pbuh) has been interpreted in different ways. In general it has been understood as condemning intrinsically blasphemous intention, and therefore Islam tolerates anthropomorphic art forms on condition that they do not create the illusion of living beings. In miniature painting, for instance, central perspective suggesting 3-dimensional space is avoided. In focusing more on the intention than the deed: in the Persian and Indian world especially, it was argued that an image which does not claim to imitate the real being, but is no more than an allusion to it, is allowed. Hence the absence in them of shadows and perspective. No mosque, however, has ever been decorated with anthropomorphic images

For an understanding of Arab culture, a person would have to study Islam. Islam reaches in to ALL aspects of the lives of most Arabs--as most Arab countries live under Islamic tenets--some completely, others in varying degrees.

Art is an incredibly important form of self-expression. Art, by the edicts of Islam, has been extremely limited.
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 09:11 am
There is something called projection that you might want to look into, Lash. I've read the links you've posted. I even partly agree with one of them. I don't hold myself above any of the people who have studied the subject, but I also don't have to accept their conclusions as my own, especially when there are very learned people who disagree with them.

The fact that you can even say "I know" means to me that you couldn't possibly. There is too much to know.

As to your last post, of course one must understand Islam if they want to understand the Arab world, and the first thing to understand about that is that Islam is practiced many different ways just within one country, and most especially across the Arab world. There is what is said and then there is what is done. They are often not the same thing or interpreted differently.

The art issue is a side issue. There is religious art and then there is everything else. The fact that mosques aren't decorated with anthropomorphic images doesn't mean a heck of a lot. Obviously, and I can bring more links if I have to, artists in the Arab world do depict man in their works without being put to death. I doubt seriously that erecting a mosque full of images of Mohammed a la the Catholic church would do much to affect change in the Arab world. The point is that the Arab world is lacking in freedom of expression and other necessary human freedoms. Nobody is arguing about that. What we can't seem to get to investigating is why.
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 09:47 am
"The point is that the Arab world is lacking in freedom of expression and other necessary human freedoms. Nobody is arguing about that. What we can't seem to get to investigating is why."

Islam is why.
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 10:17 am
Lash wrote:
"The point is that the Arab world is lacking in freedom of expression and other necessary human freedoms. Nobody is arguing about that. What we can't seem to get to investigating is why."

Islam is why.

Do you think Islam is the only religion that limits freedom of expression, and thought?

Why do you think there have historically been so many splinter sects in all the religions of the world? Groups within each religion splits from the main group over disagreements of theology or of policies. Some of the splits are peaceful. Many are not. Do you recall the deaths resulting from the Inquisition?

Religious dissent has always been dangerous. It appears it always will be. The leadership and their aides of a religion are not allowed to differ with the edicts of the primary leader. The followers of the religions may not disobey the edicts on penalty of excommunication and other forms of ousting, including death.

Do as you are told is the firm rule.

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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 10:34 am
Lash wrote:
"The point is that the Arab world is lacking in freedom of expression and other necessary human freedoms. Nobody is arguing about that. What we can't seem to get to investigating is why."

Islam is why.

Round and round we go. If Islam is the problem (and it's far from being shown that it is the sole cause), what do you propose to be the solution?
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 04:19 pm
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Lash wrote:
"The point is that the Arab world is lacking in freedom of expression and other necessary human freedoms. Nobody is arguing about that. What we can't seem to get to investigating is why."

Islam is why.

Do you think Islam is the only religion that limits freedom of expression, and thought?


Probably the most destructive force on this board to a complete, forthright conversation is crap like this.

We are talking about Islam.

We aren't comparing religions.

We are dicussing whay the Arab population is in complete disarray and attacking the rest of the world.

If you want to talk about other religions, that's fine. Compare them? Great.

However if you do it here, you dilute this conversation.


You are being intentionally obtuse, I hope. More than one person has given you the answer to your questions. Why aren't you reading what people are posting?
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 04:31 pm
Lash, isn't it strange that everyone is a stupid idiot---except you? Everyone is wrong---except you. Everyone doesn't know what they are talking about---except you.

We are so lucky to have someone as smart as you to point out the errors of our thinking. How did we manage to survive without your wisdom?

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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 04:32 pm
Lash wrote:

We are dicussing whay the Arab population is in complete disarray and attacking the rest of the world

I thought we (the U.S.) held that distinction.
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 04:49 pm
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Lash, isn't it strange that everyone is a stupid idiot---except you? Everyone is wrong---except you. Everyone doesn't know what they are talking about---except you.

We are so lucky to have someone as smart as you to point out the errors of our thinking. How did we manage to survive without your wisdom?



That was quite an unexpected compliment, but I wouldn't be so hard on everybody else. I do think it is a bit rude of you to refer to them as stupid idiots. Even I wouldn't go that far.

But thanks anyway.


You were wrong.

Did you see the list of people they're attacking around the world, as we speak?

They beat us in that distinction. No contest.
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 04:51 pm
Yeh, Lash, but we have a higher body count.

Does that count for anything?
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Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:01 pm
Re: Lash
Lash wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Lash, isn't it strange that everyone is a stupid idiot---except you? Everyone is wrong---except you. Everyone doesn't know what they are talking about---except you.

We are so lucky to have someone as smart as you to point out the errors of our thinking. How did we manage to survive without your wisdom?



That was quite an unexpected compliment, but I wouldn't be so hard on everybody else. I do think it is a bit rude of you to refer to them as stupid idiots. Even I wouldn't go that far.

But thanks anyway.


You were wrong.

Did you see the list of people they're attacking around the world, as we speak?

They beat us in that distinction. No contest.


Lash, Gosh, I was so stupid I forgot to add to my list: Everyone is rude---except you.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:01 pm
Bush keeps mentioning 9-11 when talking about fighting terrorism which killed 3,000 in the twin towers in NYC. We have lost over 1,700 of our coalition forces so far on this war on terrorism. Our coalition forces probably killed over 50,000 Iraqis by now. Seems like we're the terrorists to the Iraqis now (and many in the Arab world). According to my math, we've more than made up for the 3,000 lost in NYC and the 1,700 of the military that are fighting terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do we feel any safer today than we did before our invasion of Iraq? Maybe some of you neocons do, but most of us who were against this war to begin with do not think so.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:14 pm
Re: Lash
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Lash wrote:
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
Lash, isn't it strange that everyone is a stupid idiot---except you? Everyone is wrong---except you. Everyone doesn't know what they are talking about---except you.

We are so lucky to have someone as smart as you to point out the errors of our thinking. How did we manage to survive without your wisdom?



That was quite an unexpected compliment, but I wouldn't be so hard on everybody else. I do think it is a bit rude of you to refer to them as stupid idiots. Even I wouldn't go that far.

But thanks anyway.


You were wrong.

Did you see the list of people they're attacking around the world, as we speak?

They beat us in that distinction. No contest.


Lash, Gosh, I was so stupid I forgot to add to my list: Everyone is rude---except you.


Thank goodness someone has finally noticed. I really must demand an apology on behalf of everyone you called stupid idiots. It was really uncalled for.

<looks at watch>


You are incorrect about the body count.

The Muslims are killing millions, especially in Africa. But, plenty of other places.

They are also murdering their wives and daugters at ASTONISHING rates in the name of Allah. Do you know what they do to their little girls? They rip their clitoris out in a ritual where the neighborhood women jam their fingers in the bloody pulp to make sure no clitoral tissue is left that she may experience pleasure from later in life. That should count as murder.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:27 pm
Lash wrote: "Thank goodness someone has finally noticed. I really must demand an apology on behalf of everyone you called stupid idiots. It was really uncalled for.

<looks at watch>"

Gosh, I screwed up again. I forgot to add to my list that everyone else should apologize---but not you.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:40 pm
Hey. I'm not the one who called them stupid idiots.

I'm sure they are crestfallen. Why so grumpy? Just apologize. I'm sure they'll forgive you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 Jul, 2005 05:55 pm
Lash wrote:
Hey. I'm not the one who called them stupid idiots.

I'm sure they are crestfallen. Why so grumpy? Just apologize. I'm sure they'll forgive you.

Busy, busy. I have to look up the meaning of "forgive." I know what "grumpy" is. I recognize the trait exhibited on some threads.

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