Matter vs anti matter

Thu 25 Mar, 2021 02:46 am
Is this a matter of anti matter, or the anti matter of anything that matters?
Fri 26 Mar, 2021 07:35 am
Perhaps an idiot would not understand the power of an Abomb. Never anti M
0 Replies
Fri 26 Mar, 2021 07:58 am
If a guy try to do normal research, piggy never accuse him.
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Tue 25 May, 2021 06:24 pm
As piggy illustrated in the physics thread, the frequency of light reflects time, “anti particle” is the flipping of the spiral chirality as piggy illustrated in the unit charge model ahead while the frequency of light actually can remain unchanged. So, piggy’s humble opinion hereby is that “for the anti particle, time is also t rather than -t”.

Liqiang chen
May 26, 2021

0 Replies
Fri 2 Jul, 2021 07:12 pm
The chirality of the spiral spring would not change following movement in different velocities. Left - handed is left- handed, right - handed is right- handed.

The result of integration of the wave function of electric interaction in piggy’s unit charge model would not change following different values of momentum p (movement in different velocities). Positive is positive, negative is negative.

Charge would not change following movement in different velocities in classical electromagnetism. Positive is positive, negative is negative.

Coincidence again?
Or “All sciences are INTERCONNECTED.”? SELF is not controlled by “consciousness”?

View from the new era of the “PRESENCE and SELF”, pursuing “truer knowledge” is just its “mission” (SELF) associated with it.

Liqiang Chen
July 3 , 2021
0 Replies
Sun 1 Aug, 2021 04:44 am
QM vs logic, touchy and feely:

There are two fundamental natural systems:
1. The PRESENCE – SELF system;
2. The PRESENCE – PRESENCE system (interaction such as gravity). (Actually movement is relative, a rabbit moves relative to a pig, the pig moves in the counter direction relative to the rabbit. So, the affair of movement belongs to this system too. The representative theory in this respect is the Mass Point Dynamics.)

In the traditional QM, people employ wave function to describe the “wave characteristic” of particle, for example an electron. (Matter wave). Then, the “wave characteristic” is the inherent property (SELF) of the electron. It’s the affair of the PRESENCE – SELF system.
Also, people employ λ = h / p to describe the wave length. Momentum p is a conception belonging to the PRESENCE – PRESENCE system. Then, the “wave characteristic” belongs to the PRESENCE – PRESENCE system.
It’s just neither fish nor fowl, “confusing” in logic / philosophy.

As piggy demonstrated ahead in this thread, wave function is to describe the “wave characteristic” of electrical interaction. Then, the “wave characteristic” as well as the wave length λ = h / p both belongs to the PRESENCE – PRESENCE system. Perfect consistence. Logic is explicit.

This is another reason that piggy decides to give up the conception of matter wave / probability wave.

Liqiang Chen
August 1, 2021
Piggy believes that except the First Law of Cosmos which created by the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui always try every means to grind piggy down. No matter how many social resource they input, no matter how complicated their game would be, they must maintain the correctness of their “consciousness”: piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man) never changes, history is ever developing.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Sep, 2021 10:04 pm
Piggy has abandoned the inappropriate word of “SELF” in other threads and formally employed the scientific terminology of (inherent) PROPERTY. Piggy reiterates this point hereby.
Science needs not to abstract its own specific issues to “cooperate” with / cater to whose psychology at all. How absurd it would be.
Game is over.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Nov, 2021 02:03 am
Energy level vs wave characteristic of electric interaction, touchy and feely

The energy levels of Hydrogen atom En = -μe ^4 / 2ħ²n²
Is well proved by
The spectrum of Hydrogen atom γ = (En – Em) / h = (μe ^4 / 4πħ^3) (1 / m² - 1 / n²)
This is considered as one of the greatest achievements in QM.
But energy levels don’t concern the amplitude of wave function. Namely, energy levels don’t concern the traditional conception of probability (wave).

The energy levels of Hydrogen atom are the natural result of solving the Schrodinger wave equation. So, the energy levels are the demonstration of wave characteristic.

Between the electron and proton inside the Hydrogen atom is electric interaction. (Idealized) free electron has no energy levels. Namely, if there is no electric interaction, there are no energy levels.

So, energy levels are the result of both electric interaction and wave characteristic.

Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
Nov 19, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Thu 16 Dec, 2021 06:18 pm
Schrodinger wave equation vs wave characteristic of electric interaction, touchy and feely:

Schrodinger set out from free particle wave function to contemplate his wave equation. The relevant derivation can be found in any QM textbook. What piggy wants to point out at this moment again is that the “limitation” of the conception of probability / matter wave had been injected into the future of QM. Then, those two base stones of modern physics can not be compatible. Those “authentic” guys never can find a way out.

In piggy’s “eccentric” realm, we watch that event in counter way:


From its structure, we can see that the Schrodinger wave equation is a wave equation concerning electric interaction. So, its solution, the wave function naturally should reflect the wave characteristic of electric interaction. Even in case of (idealized) free particle, wave equation should not change its natural property. Namely, the conception of probability / matter wave seems to be alien and redundant.
Then, the incompatible problem between those two base stones of modern physics solved.

During the course of exploration of nature, people might touch the leaves of the tree first, and then, the sticks, the trunk, at last the root. But for a tree, the root is the most basic.

Liqiang Chen
Dec 17, 2021
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2022 02:31 am
“Even in case of (idealized) free particle, wave function should not change its natural property.” What piggy meant is the wave function of (idealized) free particle should also reflect the wave characteristic of electric interaction. Of course, in such situation, it should reflect non- electric interaction. An idealized situation is the distance r trends to infinite. Without electric interaction, wave characteristic should non- existent too, namely, the wave function lost physical meaning.

Below is a previous analysis about this point. Piggy repeats it here for reference:
“When electric interaction disappears, it’s a free particle. An ideal situation of this is the infinite distance. We can see that the amplitude 1 / r of the wave function Ψ(P ) =(1/r)sinr P in the X4 unit charge model trends to zero when distance r trends to infinite. Actually the wave function will no longer meaningful. How to maintain the uniform of representation in math? We can assume the amplitude of the wave function is a constant A and it means the situation of without electric interaction. That’s the wave function for free particle.”

The analysis from the counter way of Schrodinger wave equation and the analysis from piggy physics model, there is no contradiction.

Liqiang Chen
Feb 11, 2022
0 Replies
Mon 11 Apr, 2022 06:20 pm
Piggy has cleaned up the disturbance of those rat **** from that extreme idealist and feels science works more smoothly, naturally, explicitly and substantially.
Piggy reorganizes some previous stuff about charge in this thread. Guys can compare them.

The chirality of the spiral spring would not change following movement in different velocities or in gravitational field. Left - handed is left- handed, right - handed is right- handed.

The result of integration of the wave function of electric interaction in piggy’s unit charge model would not change following different values of momentum p (movement in different velocities), which has nothing to do with gravitational field. Positive is positive, negative is negative.

Charge would not change following movement in different velocities or in gravitational field in classical electromagnetism. Positive is positive, negative is negative.

Coincidence again?
Or “All sciences are INTERCONNECTED”?

In the new era of the “PRESENCE - PROPERTY”, we can explain it very clearly:
Charge is the “inherent property” of matter, which would not change following movement and gravitational interaction.

We will research more in this respect about neutrino oscillation and TMP (temporary medium particle) in electric field in another appropriate time if piggy can PRESENCE in this cosmos. They concern the violation of parity temporarily. Such property is a special case in 4D (physical) space. Those inherent properties such as the energy – mass relation, mass – space integrity and the space – time integrity, etc, piggy talked about in the physics thread actually are things in 3D (physical) space. The affair of gravity is the affair in 3D (physical) space.

Thank you, guys.

Liqiang Chen
April 12, 2022
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Sat 23 Apr, 2022 07:52 pm
Matter vs anti matter vs dark matter, touchy and feely

Anti matter is not new topic. Electron – positron, etc, are well proved things in physics experiments.
Now scientists have set out to research dark matter.

Scientists are not just satisfied with such an interesting name. They are trying to prove it’s matter too.
Such particle probers as American Alpha and Chinese DAMPE have observed something special: the “turn”…

As we discussed in PHF once upon a time: if it’s matter, it can emit light too. A question would be “why we can’t see it?”
Another question would be “is there a unified method to research them (matter, anti matter and dark matter)?”

As piggy said in the thread “T vs R” once upon a time:
“At least there were 10×10×10×10 philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, poets, and even unknown ordinary people believed that everything in this cosmos is INTERCONNECTED or say sciences are all INTERCONNECTED hundreds of years ago. Piggy guesses. But up to this day, nobody can DESCRIBE it in one physics theory.
The key is how to do it and who can do it.”

Piggy started such a thread in PHF in 2020:
That “authentic” rabbit Dandan said: “Sounds like a fun topic.” He was AWARE of something. Those “authentic” guys are always interested in the unification of science. But they can’t do it in their so called “standard model”. Just in opposite, they have to create more and more new models (leaves on the tree)…haha

Speculating the property of matter through external behaviors is another cancer in modern physics research.
Piggy has abandoned the conception of probability wave, so, of course, piggy also has abandoned the conception of anti - probability wave. The traditional QM actually belongs to the category of Mass Point Dynamics too. So, it is the affair in the second fundamental natural system of PRESENCE – PRESENCE. Employing probability wave and anti - probability wave to research matter and anti matter actually is method inappropriate. Piggy always says: “how to identify what’s male rabbit and what’s female rabbit?”

Now, in the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, piggy temporarily talk a bit more here.
In the level of PRESENCE – PROPERTY, matter and anti matter are reflected by the spiral chilarity of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”)
(For details, please see the unit charge model ahead).


Actually the spiral spring has one more additonal inherent property than the spiral chilarity: the number of laps.
Piggy’s physics model has one more additonal inherent property than the spiral chilarity: the “number of crest” of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”).

Different “number of crest” represents different matter states. If different state of matter emits light, it should have different “number of crest”. So, if different “number of crest” light come to us, it could be invisible. We call it “dark light”. The great physics philosopher woody in PHF agreed with this new idea. It’s the true meaning of “dark energy” in nature.
Regrettable, the name of “dark energy” has been occupied by those “authentic” guys to do useless conjecture.

Liqiang Chen
April 24, 2022
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Tue 26 Apr, 2022 05:57 pm
Annihilation, touchy and feely:

Below is a question for smart researchers in physics: why annihilation can happen between the positron – electron pair while can’t happen between a proton and an electron?
There might be all kinds of speculations in theories. Now, in the new era, piggy has a try to explain it with method of the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY. Below is calculation in piggy’s physics model, for reference only:
In piggy’s physics model, any elementary particle such as positron, electron, proton, etc are spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”)
(For details, please see the unit charge model ahead).

The calculation is according to the “whole” mass – space equation r = a / M (note: a = nth/πc. Because nt, h, π, c is the same for a positron and an electron, then, “a” is the same proportionate constant for a positron and an electron. For details, please see relevant chapters in the physics thread.), the mass M of a positron is the same as an electron, then, the radius of the positron is the same as the electron. The situation could be imagined as “two counter vortices of the same size encounter”. (Note: this is vivid analogy only. People in Southern Pole see a clockwise spinning Earth, while people in the Northern Pole see a counter clockwise spinning Earth. But the spacial property of spiral chirality would not change following the orientation of observation. Left – handed is left - handed, right – handed is right – handed. In piggy’s physics model, matter – anti matter or positive charge – negative charge are directly reflected by spiral chirality. The fact is that the property of charge would not change following the orientation of observation. An electron is just an electron, no matter people watch it in Southern Pole or Northern Pole of the Earth.)
(Note: In the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY we can put aside movement in some analysis. So, here M actually is rest mass M0. )

Then, of course, in the case of a proton and an electron, the radius of the proton is much different from the electron because their mass is much different. The situation could be imagined as “two counter vortices of much different size encounter”.

Reference material:
Woody’s comment in PHF: “anti analogy”

Liqiang Chen
May 27, 2022
Perhaps piggy has to accept the First Limitation claimed by the First Logic (the First Order) to do a security guard in the Jiangmen city. Unfortunately, piggy is old and is in bad health (due to the cruel and all around dark sanction of the First Order for so many years), piggy even is not able to secure his own old bones. That means piggy die hard logically.
Nonetheless, today piggy, an alive dead man of the Jiangmen city can still PRESENCE in this world and do something meaningful in science as well as meaningful in piggy’s own life too. Piggy feels very glory.
Thanks G*. Thanks a2k. Thanks America.

0 Replies
Wed 27 Jul, 2022 08:59 am
Piggy is on board the J -10 helicopter to travel around the cosmos.
0 Replies
Fri 29 Jul, 2022 02:27 pm
Piggy really doesn’t think that any normal scientist would agree with such statement as “Is this a matter of anti matter, or the anti matter of anything that matters?” is engaging in any normal scientific research.
Perhaps that guy is “lobotomised” idiot? Or just plotting to disturb normal scientific research?

If it is the former case, we need to sympathize with / “have compassion for” him: go to research what’s male rabbit and what’s female rabbit first…

If it is the latter case, we need not to sympathize with / “have compassion for” him: go to hell. It’s immoral behavior.
The fun is that guy talked about “morality” elsewhere. Really best singer. haha
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