Matter vs anti matter

Sat 5 Dec, 2020 06:54 am
Lets see if I can explain it to you...I will try to be simple and straight forward mkay? So answer this question for me will ya? The Universal wave function has or has not a definite state of affairs in 4D Space? And are or are you not along with all the measuring apparatus within this Universal wave function?
Your problem is EPISTEMIC, not Ontological!!!
I certainly wish you a prosper and happy day with many profits and great success! Noice!
Sun 6 Dec, 2020 06:33 pm
Seems that you have grabbed something important: what should actually be the physical meaning of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? You are a smart guy, really and really.
“4D space”? Of course piggy knows it. Haha
0 Replies
Sun 6 Dec, 2020 06:36 pm
Certain vs uncertain, touchy and feely:
Actually, the 3D physical space is just the special situation of the 4D physical space. So, the certainty actually is also a state (among other uncertain states). The “certain – uncertain duality” could be called the “grand principle of superposition of states” in other words.
In fact, the “grand principle of superposition of states” includes or say is equivalent to a “(certain –) uncertain principle”.

Below is some stuff piggy has post in the thread “Micro vs macro” in the physics forum. Now I move it here for reference:

Wave Functions in 4D Space (Ⅰ)

Once upon a time, in the equation X = X4x and then the equation V = X4v, the reference in fact is 3D space.
In order to prevent losing the meaning of contrary or reference, in 4D space wave function, we engage that space and momentum, one is 4D space physical quantity, then the other is 3D space physical quantity. This is called the 1/2 Rule or the Special Engagement.
1. The position space wave function for a free particle in 4D space is:
Ψ(X, t) = A exp( i(p •X – Et )) Amplitude A is a constant. (omit “ℏ” and vector marks for convenience of observation)
X = X4x
Then, the probability density|A|² is a constant. It means the probability of appearance of the particle in any point of 4D position space is the same. In turn, it means the probability of the X4 state the free particle be in is the same. The situation is the same in any position x in the 3D space.
Because it’s a free particle, no interaction is concerned, the above analysis reflects the property of the particle itself regardless it is moving with any momentum p in the 3D space or not (It has nothing to do with wavelength λ = h / p ).
2. The momentum space wave function for a free particle in 4D space is:
Ψ(P, t) = A exp( i(P•x – Et )) Amplitude A is a constant. (omit “ℏ” and vector marks for convenience of observation)
P = X4 p
Then, the probability density|A|² is a constant. It means the probability of appearance of the particle in any point of 4D momentum space is the same. In turn, it means the probability of the X4 state the free particle be in is the same. The situation is the same in any position x in the 3D space. Because it’s a free particle, no interaction is concerned, the above analysis reflects the property of the particle itself regardless it is moving with any momentum p in the 3D space or not (It has nothing to do with wavelength λ = h / p ).

Look at the 3D space wave function for free particle in QM again.
Ψ = A exp( i(p•x– Et )) omit “ℏ” and vector marks for convenience of observation.
When position x and momentum p are both determined at the same time, it will no longer be a wave function, instead, an oscillation function. It seems that the “wave character” should disappear either.
What interesting is it could be considered as a special situation and the calculation of probability is still applicable. “A” is a constant. |A|² is a constant. It means the probability of appearance of the particle in any space point is the same. In turn, it means the position of the free particle can not be determined.
Next, resort to 4D space wave function. In the item p•X or P•x, among space and momentum, if one physical quantity is 3D space quantity, then the other is 4D space quantity. It reflects that they two can not be determined simultaneously and avoid the dispute.

The wave functions in 4D space are the specific presentation of “(certain –) uncertain principle” in 4D space.

Actually in X4 Theory, to reflect the inherent property of the elementary particle itself, no wave function is needed. The X4 factor itself (the matter state dimension), when 0 < |X4| < ∞, it denotes the “certain – uncertain” in 4D space. |X4| = 1 denotes the certainty in 3D space while other X4 values denote the uncertainty in 4D space.

Liqiang Chen
Dec 7, 2020
0 Replies
Mon 7 Dec, 2020 05:21 pm
Wave function vs uncertainty, touchy and feely:

Nowadays, the traditional QM can’t make clear what’s the wave function and what’s the uncertainty.
X4 unit charge model ahead demonstrates that wave function describes the wave characteristic of electric interaction. For a free particle, the wave function is only a mathematical form. The major mission of QM should be “the science to research the wave characteristic of electric interaction”. And actually the electron moves in electric field in the single slit experiment / double slit experiment. The electromagnetic detector can disturb the diffraction / interference information created in the slit / slits and the pattern disappear. It’s not due to observation by human nor what certainty - uncertainty. It’s the affair of electric interaction. (Piggy will explain in details the physical mechanism of the generation of probability by the wave characteristic of electric interaction as soon as I have prepared the stuffs. Thanks to the First Order, piggy is →0 in China and could disappear at any time. haha).

Actually that’s enough for piggy. And once upon a time, piggy wanted to give up the superposition principle and the uncertain principle because piggy felt them misty. Unfortunately, my math model (the X4 factor in respect of |X4| ≠ 1) as well as my physical model (in respect of non – standing wave) just both demonstrate something beyond the certainty. It reflects the inherent uncertain property of the elementary particle itself, no matter it moves in the apparatus or not. And piggy can’t ignore it.

In X4 Theory, no wave function is needed to reflect the inherent property of the elementary particle itself (the superposition of states or the certainty – uncertainty). One X4 factor is enough.
It’s as simple as below:
The superposition of states: 2.3 = 1.1 + 1.2, 3.5 = 1 + 0.6 + 1.9, etc. All the X4 states…0.6,…, 0.8,…, 1,…, 1.5,…, 2.3,…, 3.6,…etc, are naturally exist with equal probability. And the negative X4 values denote anti states. It's state dimension.
The certainty – uncertainty: |X4| = 1 is certainty in 3D physical space while X4 = 1.1 or 2.2 or etc, is uncertainty in 4D physical space. In the X4 physical model, standing wave means certainty in 3D space while non standing wave means uncertainty in 4D space. (Note: piggy habitually calls “the certainty in 3D space”. Actually 3D space is just a special situation of 4D space or say 3D space is the base of 4D space).
In one sentence, no 4D PYSICAL space no uncertainty in PHYSICS.
(Another interesting thing is that piggy derived the conservation of charges due to natural symmetry of 4D space in the X4 unit charge model. That means the electric force is a force in 4D space, different from gravity. )

Liqiang Chen
Dec 8, 2020
Mon 7 Dec, 2020 06:51 pm
No the particle location and speed its certain in 4D space just ahead of your 4D lack of measurement until you do it! Ahead of your 4D knowledge event horizon at X point.
I agree that observation has nothing to do with humans looking at things to collapse the wave. It is just that you bombard a particle with another to detect it.
0 Replies
Mon 7 Dec, 2020 11:20 pm
Can anyone provide an experiment to measure that the 3D space would not contract in the cross direction of movement?
Tue 8 Dec, 2020 12:06 am
Note please that before the advent of the telescope no one was observing the Solar system but the tides still occur even if we were not looking and it is not just the Moon that causes them. I am pretty sure Jupiter and Saturn particles are there even if we are not looking. Von Neyman interpretation of QM is even more bullshit than the Copenhagen interpretation. Rather have either the Penrose view, The Pilot Wave view, or the many worlds view. Those have Philosophy in it. Shut up and calculate is precisely why Science when done bad produces confusion rather than clarification.
0 Replies
Tue 8 Dec, 2020 02:59 am
According to the conception of “electron cloud” in QM, piggy can’t imagine what does an atom look like. Perhaps the electron in the tail of a rabbit might appear on its head. But in fact, what we can observe is that the atom is just a tiny spot with limited size in limited space.
In the 21st century, people either keep on goofing around in the blind alley of 3D space or try to dig a hole onthe end wall of the blind alley of 3D space and go into a new world.

4 vs n, touchy and feely:
In math, people have played to “n” dimension and they are considered as “authentic”.
In physics, piggy just plays one more dimension and he is considered as “eccentric”.
My G*, it seems unfair.
Can SR demonstrate that QM is reasonable?
Can QM demonstrate that SR is reasonable?
Or both of them are wrong?
What’s 4D physical space? Actually piggy himself is “touchy and feely”. Haha
Have a lovely day, boys and girls.
Tue 8 Dec, 2020 05:03 am
You see...to solve the dilemma of openness or closure you need to understand better what Nothing means and why it is self contradictory.
I would suggest to you to think about Nothingness and understand the blunder of that archaic concept when taken from relativistic simpleton context into an absolute.
The CLUE to dismiss an open Future is to dismiss Nothingness. This I learned alone.
Tue 8 Dec, 2020 08:13 pm
Nothing? Seems that piggy knows it well. When the First Order shouts “excute!” and then piggy will disappear in this cosmos (becomes nothing).
Due to the cruel, absolute and all around dark sanction by the First Order, piggy is trending to nothing in China. Employ an equation to express it in physics, that’s m0 → 0.
Piggy is exploring the physical property of space (an outstanding example is the mass – space equation for 3D physical space) rather than merely the math / geometry conception of space.
X4 theory originated from the Projective Geometry. The geometrical space conception in PG is closure. So, inevitable the X4 conception of cosmos is closure too.
m0 → 0 vs r ∝ 1/ M, touchy and feely:

In order to help research what “m0 → 0” (m0 is rest mass) means exactly, hereby we need a model: wellcome a rabbit – shade balloon (the attached picture). The rabbit – shade balloon is very large with two valves on two sides. Then what’s “m0 → 0” for him in physics? Guys can imagine the valves open and the air inside “peeeeee…” (THE GAS MOLECUTES INSIDE IS REDUCING)…the size r decreases. ..until he disappears in cosmos.
When the rabbit bounces ahead (with two valves tightened, no air can leak out, THE GAS MOLECUTES INSIDE REMAIN UNCHANGED), the kinematic energy is generated. According to the equation Ek = mc² - m0c², m > m0 (m is dynamic mass). According to the mass – space equation r ∝ 1/ M, the size r decreases.
There is subtle difference between these two cases, which both results in the decrease of size.
Piggy will post consecutive stuffs for reference to those guys who are willing to touch the elephant in an alternative way as soon as I have prepared them.
See you later.
Have a lovely day, guys.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Dec, 2020 09:34 pm
Oh, guys, piggy today found that the third party which host my pictures has hidden them and they lost presence here.
Where's the rabbit shaped balloon (Dandan)? Wish him gone to heaven.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Dec, 2020 02:24 am
Unified Information of Inference in the Double Slits Experiment of Electron

In the traditional idea, the “superposition principle” was employed to explain the interference pattern:
The calculation is about as below:
“Ψ = Ψ1 + Ψ2 is also a possible state of the electron.
Then, the probability of electron could be found in space is:
|Ψ|² =︱Ψ1 + Ψ2︱² = … = ︱Ψ1︱² + ︱Ψ2︱² + (interference item)
And just because of the existence of the interference item, the interference pattern appeared.”
But the X4 unit charge model ahead demonstrates that the wave function of free particle is just a mathematical form while the wave meaning in physics actually already lost.
In X4 Theory, the “superposition principle” is just as simple as 2.6 = 1.1 + 1.5, etc. No information of interference could be generated.
So, the employment of the “superposition principle” to explain the interference pattern in the traditional idea is just operation in math while has no substantial physical meaning of interference.

Next, piggy introduces how the X4 unit charge model provides an explicit mechanism to provide and guarantee the unified interference information in the slits.
For convenience and intuition sake, assume a most simplified apparatus: only one electron on the gun and only one electron is moving in the apparatus.
No matter which slit the electron passes through, the wave characteristic of electric interaction will cause interference information in the slits. Because the positions of the slits are fixed, the wave functions of electric interaction for all of those electrons are the same. Approximate expression is: Ψ(P ) =(1/r)sinr P. (r is the distance between the gun and the slits)
Here “P” is 4D space momentum. P = X4*p, p is 3D space momentum and p = mv. The precision of the apparatus guaranteed the velocity of every electron is the same when it reaches the slits. Then, the momentum p is the same. λ = h / p is the same. (Note: wavelength should be a conception in 3D space.)

(to be continued)
(Piggy will supplement the relevant picture as soon as I got another site to host the pictures)
Liqiang Chen
Dec ,2020
0 Replies
Fri 11 Dec, 2020 02:25 am

The physical mechanism of the generation of probability by the wave characteristic of electric interaction:
No matter in the single slit or double slits experiment of electron, on the diffraction pattern or the interference pattern, the areas of bright strips means electric interaction exists while the areas of dark strips means electric interaction does not exist.
At this time, the electron presents its certain property in 3D physical space. According to the X4 physical model of elementary particle, it’s a tiny round ball.
The tiny round ball has to drop onto one of the areas of bright strips on the screen / film RANDOMLY. This is the first step of the generation of probability.
And then, t he tiny round ball has to drop into one point of the area of bright strip chosen in the first step above RANDOMLY. This is the second step of the generation of probability.

(Piggy will supplement the relevant picture as soon as I got another site to host the pictures)
Liqiang Chen
Dec ,2020
0 Replies
Sun 20 Dec, 2020 06:55 pm
0 Replies
Mon 21 Dec, 2020 01:40 am
Supplement of the diagram of the spiral spring:

0 Replies
Fri 19 Feb, 2021 05:58 pm
Since the conception of matter wave / probability wave can not be compatible with Relativity nor classic mechanics nor classic electromagnetism. And as piggy said ahead that actually the electron is moving in electric field in the apparatus, there is another possibility that the diffraction and interference might be caused by the wave characteristic of electric interaction. And my own theory can be compatible with Relativity as well as classic mechanics and classic electromagnetism.
The great philosophy told us that “all sciences are interconnected”.
So, hereinafter, piggy decides to touch the elephant in my own way. Piggy retains the conception of wave function because it’s reasonable in my model. But piggy considers that its true physical meaning should be found out. Also, piggy thinks that the calculation method as well as the operators in traditional QM remains applicable.
0 Replies
Mon 15 Mar, 2021 01:36 am
Due to the persistent disturbance in the thread “the base of physics” from one stubborn guy, and the pictures here seems gone again. Piggy has to come back to this thread in advance and do something:
Piggy hereby officially gives up the traditional conception of “probability wave” and so the sentence “Under such a model, electric field or say unit electric (charge) interaction between basic particles will be just the determination of probability method of existence each other” in the unit charge model ahead hereby eliminated.

URL: https://able2know.org/topic/551628-1
0 Replies
Wed 24 Mar, 2021 05:49 pm
Now, piggy has a try to supplement the diagrams for the second time.
Double slits experiment of electron:
0 Replies
Wed 24 Mar, 2021 05:51 pm
The physical mechanism of generation of probability:
0 Replies
Wed 24 Mar, 2021 05:56 pm
The spiral spring:
0 Replies

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