I agree they probably are playing with you. Either way if he truly liked you he wouldn't bother with your friend at all. And if she was truly your friend she should have pushed him away. Like I'm in a relationship and some guy (total stranger) gave me a rose last week. And either way I'll accept an object to be nice BUT if I'm in a relationship I'd end it there and I did. I simply smiled, said thank you, and walked away looking busy and in a hurry. As I was sure he was gone I threw the rose into the trash and told my guy about it. Why? That way he knows I had nothing to hide. Obviously, if it was a touch or something physical then I'd push it away but if a flower or something like that then I'll attempt to not hurt his feelings in front of him and dump it later but a physical thing will get his feelings hurt, sorry. I can't always be nice about things that are not ok.