That particular video is part of my collection of excellent teaching videos from the period in time when they actually did a decent job of teaching, unlike today, where dumbing down is the standard.
"2 people watch the same event and see different things because their FoR is different.
It's not magic or witchcraft. It's science. Go and actually watch the video. You might learn something."
Its not witchcraft until Einstein concluded that altering Time, Space and Mass was the only way to reconcile the two SUBJECTIVE views OF THE ONE THING.
What you SUBJECTIVELY observe when it comes to objects in motion particularly, can SEEM to, or APPEAR to be doing different motions.
This is how magicians can perform their tricks, by diverting your attention to whats actually happening, to subjectively focus on something that's not important.
The puck did ONLY ONE REAL MOTION, relative to ALL the other objects that HAVE A PART TO PLAY in the scenario.
If you isolate the puck from other critical objects, then the motion SEEMS to be behaving weirdly. This is exactly what the video shows, they REMOVE some CRITICAL information from the physics experiment, (the fact that the two players, the table and the puck are on a turntable, and the whole shebang is on the Planet Earth subject to its gravity.)
Ignore these facts, remove them from the view, discard them from the analysis, and sure, it looks really weird. But if all the pertinent facts are included, then the puck is ONLY DOING ONE THING, according to the LAWS of Newtons mechanics, according to the various forces applied to the puck, turntable and gravity.
But the critical point is that the OBSERVATION has NOTHING to do in the tiniest bit, with the entire experiment. NOTHING.
What you need to do is explain how the WATCHING by an observer, changes the physics of the experiment. You need to explain how observing from a remote unconnected location, is actually causing the Mass Increase, the Length Contraction, and the Time Dilation. No one has ever explained how that is supposed to occur.
Since you claim to have a knowledge of this, please feel free to go ahead and explain.
So far we have only learned that FoR's are imaginary.
How do you get from there, to Time, Space and Mass changing?
By the way, IF you really think that the Puck IS REALLY doing two different motions, to suit the different ways of observing it, then you have a massive problem.
Because Einstein used exactly the same thought to conclude that the ONLY way to resolve the two APPARENTLY different motions, was Time dilation, Mass Increase, and Length Contraction.
So, logically, as you have just discovered another example of two observers seeing two different motions for the puck, you need to also resolve this discrepancy mathematically, by also warping Time, Space and Mass. Be my guest, go ahead, lets see how you resolve this mathematically.