@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
...how can any American conservatives still be okay with Trump or his enablers? If George Will can see through this abomination, how in the world can there still be people supporting this man who will undoubtedly go down in history as the worst president ever.
Who else besides Trump spoke out about security concerns during these demonstrations? When you have demonstrations and people taking advantage of them to destroy property, steal, and/or just engage in civil disobedience to practice their leftist anti-police collectivism; someone has to speak out against and stand up to crime piggybacking along with legitimate protest.
The Democrats have this subtle racist rhetorical twist they do where if you say that predominantly/historically black neighborhoods need the same protection against crime as any other area, they accuse you of labeling the area criminal because it's black. When/if you say that there should be more done about crime generally, they always twist it to make it taboo to mention crime, and by doing so they allow crime to go undetected, i.e. by making it a social taboo to talk about it for fear of someone getting insulted.
It is basically the same thing that happens when you try to address any problem and people get defensive because they don't want to be stigmatized by association with the problem. So if you say that people need more exercise and/or better diets to be healthy, they get defensive about you calling them fat, and the Democrats use that same ego-defense mechanism to shield crime from police in predominantly/historically black areas, and thus protect crime in those areas from police.
Why do Democrats want to protect crime in historically/predominantly black areas while calling Republicans 'racist' for wanting to liberate people, including black people, from crime? Answer: because Democrats aren't ultimately against crime because they see it as part of a Marxist progression of capitalism toward socialism. Many if not most historically black areas have or had strong church/religious communities, but Marxism views religion as 'the opium of the people' that deters them from feeling the pain of capitalism and thus rising up against it; and these social movements designed to emphasize the pain of oppression and encourage people to rise up against oppression are exactly what Marx prescribed, along with elimination of religion.
Religion and spirituality are not 'the opium of the people,' but their gold. Material wealth does not solve social problems or make people happy generally, because the allure of getting more stuff fades once you have it. For people to be happy and prosperous at whatever level of material wealth, they need freedom of religion to achieve the spiritual blessings that come with moral discipline.
Who besides Trump and his supporters are challenging this Marxist/socialist logic of driving people into a frenzy against oppression and allowing destruction of property and theft as a consolation prize for anger over police brutality? Of course police brutality is wrong, but the solution for it is to revive religion as the GOLD of the people, not 'the opium.' Law abiding people, black or white, benefit from police presence to keep criminality out of morally strong areas. Who else besides Trump is advocating law enforcement to remove crime so that historically/predominantly black areas can have peace and prosperity? If there is anyone besides Trump/Republicans who want to stop crime, who are they and what is their plan?