I make business calls during the day. I am supposed to be doing transcription work from home on my laptop but my laptop needs servicing.
I am supposed to be doing voice acting training but I need equipment and materials and such to turn my den into a voice acting studio. I am waiting till I can afford to get this stuff.
It took me a while to figure out what I was going to do regarding my printer situation.
I am supposed to be learning those art programs I was talking about through an online learning system but I still get the okay from the head of my local employment center to use it. My laptop still needs to get fixed.
I still have personal business I need to help my mother out with but I haven't been able to reach her by phone.
I am supposed to be getting my house thoroughly straightened up and decluttered.
I go out when I have to buy stuff, or when I have a doctor's and dentist's appointment, or when I need to go pick some food up, or to take care of other business.
I have things to do.
I haven't been over to the library too much since the pandemic started. I DO go to the library.