What do you expect Rove's lawyers to do, come out and say that he's guilty?
Why does he even have a lawyer who is consulting him on this matter in the first place?
What makes you think that Fitzgerald would TELL Rove that he was the focus of the investigation (especially if Perjury had become the real charge?)
What do you think Rove told Fitzgerald those three times they met?
Who do you think will take the fall for all of this?
These, and other questions, will be answered!
And this mostly confirms my opinion:
Quote:Don't get your hopes up. And I wouldn't venture to say "nothing will come of this", my conjecture is that what will come of this will provide The Opposition with considerable dismay.
You know things are going right when Timber starts predicting Doom for Dems. The only time I saw him do the opposite, Bush won the election; since then things have not exactly been going the way he states they will...
(this will be interesting, for sure)