I feel sorry for that poor bastard McClellan.They must make him go out there by gunpoint
Shoot me now.
I actually long for the days of Ari. He seemed to enjoy every minute of the twisting and turning.
McClellan should drag rove out in a head lock to answer for himself
I was watching Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN this morning,and Plames husband came right out and said on that show that Valerie Plamw was NOT a "covert agent" for the CIA when Novaks piece was published.
That puts a whole new spin on things if its true.
mysteryman wrote:I was watching Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN this morning,and Plames husband came right out and said on that show that Valerie Plamw was NOT a "covert agent" for the CIA when Novaks piece was published.
That puts a whole new spin on things if its true.
No, it doesn't put any spin on it. If you were paying attention the law deals with RETIRED covert agents as well. The only spin is from the right claiming that it puts a spin on it.
Good job parados,keep'um runnin.Muy bueno
parados wrote:mysteryman wrote:I was watching Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN this morning,and Plames husband came right out and said on that show that Valerie Plamw was NOT a "covert agent" for the CIA when Novaks piece was published.
That puts a whole new spin on things if its true.
No, it doesn't put any spin on it. If you were paying attention the law deals with RETIRED covert agents as well. The only spin is from the right claiming that it puts a spin on it.
I agree.
But,she was NOT retired,she still worked for the CIA.
Also,the law clearly states that the agent is not covert if they hadnt been out of the US for 5 years,and Wilson states in his book that neither one of them had left the US for longer then that.
Also,it is NOT a crime to name CIA employees.
I know 3 employees of the CIA.
They are people I was in the service with,and they were hired by the CIA right out of the service.
mysteryman wrote:parados wrote:mysteryman wrote:I was watching Wolf Blitzer's show on CNN this morning,and Plames husband came right out and said on that show that Valerie Plamw was NOT a "covert agent" for the CIA when Novaks piece was published.
That puts a whole new spin on things if its true.
No, it doesn't put any spin on it. If you were paying attention the law deals with RETIRED covert agents as well. The only spin is from the right claiming that it puts a spin on it.
I agree.
But,she was NOT retired,she still worked for the CIA.
Also,the law clearly states that the agent is not covert if they hadnt been out of the US for 5 years,and Wilson states in his book that neither one of them had left the US for longer then that.
Also,it is NOT a crime to name CIA employees.
I know 3 employees of the CIA.
They are people I was in the service with,and they were hired by the CIA right out of the service.
Wilson states he hasn't been out of the US in the last 5 years in his book? ROFLMBO.. that has to be the best one I have seen yet Mysteryman..
yeah.. Wilson admits in his book that he never went to Niger in 2002. Is that the latest RW spin?
Any trips by Plame for CIA would NOT be talked about because it would be illegal to do so. There would be NO MENTION of them by Wilson since it would be a crime for him to do so.
nimh wrote:Lash wrote:nimh wrote:So wait - Plame's contribution to the Dems makes her partisan and unbelievable, but Wilsons contribution to the Reps makes him ... "someone who hates Bush"?
It doesn't "make" him that. He IS that. Do you have proof of that donation-----or are you taking his word for it.
I suppose you have seen
Parados' post by now? (He's good, isnt he?)
(Oh, and right above here again, I see now)
And, what does it mean to you...that he donated to both parties?
He wanted both to win...?
That he donated to both is even a MORE damning indictment of his slippery mores. Is he a Republican AND a Democrat???
there saying rove was th second source. that navak already knew.Here comes the coverup
posted elsewhere as well, but hey...
Let's see if we can figure this out before anyone else:
Judith Miller of the NYT during the run-up to the war talks to a lot of people about weapons of mass destruction. She reads a lot about weapons of mass destruction. She writes a bunch of pro-let's-go-now articles for the Paper of Record all about those weapons of mass destruction, some of them later regretted by the editors because some of the reporting was too easy on the Bush Administration.
Now who did she do all that talking with? What kind of contacts would a person have to have in order to really understand the complexities of all that poison gas, aluminium tubing, chemical compounds, personalities like Dr. Death etc. Maybe somebody in the administration or even the CIA was put with her to help with the non-classified stuff, all that heavy reading, maybe somebody like an expert in weapons of mass destruction, but that most certainly does not sound like Karl Rove, it sounds like well, you know who.
Now fast forwardddddddd: The war is ongoing, but there is a lot of static about the lack of those "we know where they are" weapons of mass destruction, so Judy goes to work on another article, this time about this minor former ambassador who wrote a piece for a newspaper ranting about how his report on the yellowcake controversy was ignored by the Bush Administration. Hmmm, says Judy, I wonder if Val (oops) can talk about this...........
Meanwhile, back at the WH, there is some steam on the windows about this Wilson guy making everybody look bad so Karl wonders aloud if anybody had any background on this guy. No, says Dr. Rice's then assistant, Stephen, but I know a reporter who could dig for us, kind of a little payback for us helping her with the early reports on WMD.
Hello Judy, have you ever heard of this Wilson guy while you were writing on the weapons? ,,,,,,.... No kidding? Hey, gotta go.
Stephen, phone call line 12,
Hey, Stephen, way off the record, was this guy sent by Cheney like he says?
No, Bob, but guess what Judith Miller just told me about who he is married to.
No kidding.
No, and you know that I am no partisan gunslinger, just the facts with me.
Hey, Karl, Bob here, have you heard.......
Yes, I had heard that.
But is it true?
Dunno. I just heard it.
Okay then....
Judith looks over her notes on the yellow cake sixteen words again, she must put it all together before anybody else does, but first she has that piece of how well the oil production is going in Iraq.
Bob Novak types his byline and proceeds to puncture the little loudmouth who had the nerve to speak badly and in public about his friends.\\\\\
Now who goes to jail?
1) Judith, unless she can prove... no, she's going to jail.
Who gets fined and has to quit/
1)Anybody who was dumb enough not to think of the right answer in the grand jury room, which surprisingly could be Karl Rove who had the fantasy that he didn't talk to the TIME reporter and may have said as much. ouch. Lie to the country, but not to an Irish DA.
Who goes to spend more time with his family?
Stephen Hadley. Condi didn't want him to have that job anyway and he's already tried to quit once over this.
That's it.
What do you think?
Joe(who are your friends at the company?)Nation
Lash wrote:And, what does it mean to you...that he donated to both parties?
He wanted both to win...?
That he donated to both is even a MORE damning indictment of his slippery mores. Is he a Republican AND a Democrat???
Or could it be that he liked Bush enough to donate, liked him enough to vote for him, and then in 2003 when this all went kerflooey, decided he
really didn't like the Bush administration's role in the kerflooeyness?
There are a whole lot of people on this board who voted for Bush the first or the second time (or both) and either the second time didn't vote for him or are now proclaiming how much he bothers them. Are you going to call all of them "slippery", too?
(Interesting hypothesis, Joe.)
Didn't he donate to both in the same election year, soz?
That wasn't the impression I had.
2000 = Bush.
2004 = Kerry.
I'm not certain, though. Will check the FEC thing.
Ugh, it's confusing.
There are a ton of Joseph Wilsons.
I found parados' original cite (Wilson contributed to Bush in 1999) but beyond that I can't say yet.
Also there are some negative numbers, don't know what that means.
Kerry in 2003:
05/23/2003 1000.00 23991405071
09/04/2003 1000.00 23992128137
One before kerflooey -- actually the timing was interesting. When were the 16 words? When did he get back from Niger?
Then another after kerflooey.
Looks like he did contribute to Gore in 1999, though I don't get the negative number:
04/22/1999 -1000.00 20990083339
Wait, maybe this explains the negative -- he reduced the amount by a thousand?
03/26/1999 2000.00 20990085074
Anyway, I know it's pretty common for political types who are not specifically of one party or another (ambassadors and such) to contribute to both parties to cover their butts.
So what? Lash, lots, and I mean lots, of people donate to the two major parties, especially corporations. Yeah, yeah, I know. Okay, the money, soft or hard, gets to both parties and the earlier the better.
Despite the unseemliness of it all, money provides access. You want controls on your cut-goods lowered? Slosh a little money around. You want better funding for your company's pet government project on the Wheat Beetle? Get some of that folding dough into the hands that can do you some good. You want the FDA to go a little slow on approving your competitor's drug?Okay, where's the dinner and the boat ride??
You want your lobbyist to be able to tell your Congressman that Ms. Lash is a strong supporter of his or her views and would like only a moment of time to explain why (insert your favorite subject here) is vital to the interests of the people of (insert your locale here) and the Nation as a whole.
Nobody even holds their nose anymore. It's business as usual. Ask your favorite Republican Representative for a list of Democratic contributors or vice versa. It's not like the Democratic voters don't get any representation for the next three years, (although I know you'd like that) people who think they need help and don't get it, happen to get pissed off and find others to be pissed off with them and then they vote or show up at a public meeting or both. As a Congressman you want everybody in your District to be happy, even the dopes who voted against you, but especially anyone who fattened that campaign fund.
Most Senators and Congressmen spend fifty out of fifty two weeks a year finding money for their next campaign. They don't care who gives as long as it's green on the back.
Joe(Who's zooming who?)Nation
Quote:Stephen, phone call line 12,
Hey, Stephen, way off the record, was this guy sent by Cheney like he says?
No, Bob, but guess what Judith Miller just told me about who he is married to.
No kidding.
No, and you know that I am no partisan gunslinger, just the facts with me.
Good synopsis of what may have happened, Joe, except for the part I quoted above. Wilson never said Cheney sent him or anything like it. That was something the RNC made up as a talking point to throw things off.