sozobe wrote:Actually DTOM, parados went ahead and provided the proof that Wilson did contribute to the Bush campaign.
naw, i was referring to lash's allegedly voting for and/or donating to bush. she says that she voted for bush. but we have no proof that she did.
since lash has insisted on proof that wilson contributed to and voted for to bush, i think it only fair to want the same type of proof from her of having done the same. :wink:
as far as i'm concerned, wilson had a long and impressive career in the diplomatic corps. he showed a lot of mach-sie in the way he dealt with the embassy issues in iraq and apparently was/is held in high esteem by george h.w. bush, who called him courageous. good enough bonafides for me. and should be for republicans (probably is for most), unless they think that bush 41 was a liar too.
the slime campaign against wilson is absolutely typical of the rove, cheney, bush jr(s.) neo-con crowd.
they have no compunction trashing the records, personal life or good works of others that have actually done something for the usa while they, themselves, have done nothing but make a career of sucking at the golden teet of partisan politics. real americans. my butt. buchaneers marauding the seas of political cronyism and opportunistic aqusition is more like it.
i read the relevant parts of the report. it does not say what the spin doctors say it does. just as what i read of kerry's voting record was distorted by the same bunch.
and everyday now, they continue to change the conversation to keep away from the topic. just now, as i'm typing, one of the usual suspects is on "connected", shrilling about sandy berger. wtf does that have to do with it ? exactly nothing, that's what. but it diverts the course of the conversation from "the leak" (no matter what rove's part ) to the opposition having to defend berger.
here's what i believe;
just as the onset of the whole "family values" razzle dazzle cuased me to stop voting for republican presidents (having been a moderate republican), i think that the bush administration's constant trashing of anyone who doesn't pull out the mat and pray to crawford 5 times a day is going to send a lot more looking for a new party. perhaps not to the dems, unless they get their shite together. but, a viable new party of moderate dems and republicans would probably fly if people wanted it bad enough. and would probably kick the stuffing out of the twin pillars in the ensuing elections.
why ? because despite what both parties want you to believe and what rushsean hannibaugh and randi rhodes insist;
most of us are americans first and party loyalists second. or third . or fourth. or not party loyalists at all.