"Tico's post is magnificent"
Oh, indeed. I've never seen the term 'magnificent' used more appropriately than in the instance above. Up there with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Quote:WASHINGTON - The White House is suddenly facing damaging evidence that it misled the public by insisting for two years that presidential adviser Karl Rove wasn't involved in leaking the identity of a female CIA officer.
Now that quote doesn't seem particularly remarkable. And it's not. What is remarkable is that it is from the
Cheboygan Daily Tribune. So? The same story is running everywhere, in small US papers as well as the biggies (not to mention, around the world).
No incident or subject to date has put the administration in such a bad light and such an incompetently defensive posture as this one - as difficult as that is to get one's head around given what all else has come up.
The force of this issue does rest upon earlier matters, particularly the growing comprehension in the American public that the administration began the war with Iraq using lies and exaggerations. "Maybe these folks are not to be trusted" was the dawning realization.
Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo too fit into the picture..."Is this us? Is this America, to torture, to hold people forever? Can we trust the military and the politicians to really tell us the truth about what has happened there?"
And social security..."Is this just a political ideology behind this? Are they going to risk my security in old age because some sharpies from Wall Street hate FDR and probably wouldn't have liked my grandpa either because he was in a union?"
And the church stuff...the growing realization that this corner of the Republican Party has become very powerful and wishes an America which we are not at all certain is the sort of America we want.
And maybe we aren't more safe after all. Maybe we are in a hell of a lot more danger because of what these guys have done.
Bush's stats have crashed, and they have crashed on the matters of trust...trust in their competence and trust in their honesty.
The Rove issue is so important because it follows on all the above questions and doubts and adds a very important focus on an even deeper issue...integrity.