sozobe wrote:parados wrote:It's sounding like a well planned conspiracy at this point.
Rove reveals Wilson's wife works at the CIA and planned the trip but doesn't name her or say what she does.
Libby or someone else reveals that an undercover CIA agent, not named, planned the trip
and then a third person names Plame as Wilson's wife
They don't even need a third person. It doesn't seem like it would be difficult for any random person -- the journalists themselves, for example -- to figure out who Wilson's wife is.
As in, if it's been established that a) whomever planned the trip is a CIA operative and b) Wilson's wife planned the trip, c) follows -- Wilson's wife is a CIA operative. Just a matter of finding out who he's married to. Not that hard.
So, there we have the two senior administration officials. Makes sense to me. Not saying it happened, saying it makes sense. We'll see.
Andrea Mitchell was asked on MSNBC if people generally knew that Valerie Plame was an operative for the CIA. She answered, a bit uncomfortably, that yes, in general, most people knew that.
If push came to shove, I think all a defense attorney would have to do is round up the bunches of people who knew where and for whom she worked.