Rove was the source of the Plame leak... so it appears

Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 04:29 pm
Lash wrote:
... Silly. On all counts.

Yup, that pretty well sums up the entire Plame Game.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 04:51 pm
Lash wrote:
I prefer to think you're not lying, ehBeth.

All I did was search "Plame" is the Fox search engine and got three recent stories.

Fox' Three Plame Stories.

These are the same ones I said I found. And I wondered why they were simply talking about the reporters - not the actual Plame case. Other media (keep in mind I consider virtually all MSM U.S. media far right of centre - so I'm not picking on Fox for being right of centre) seem to have coverage of the investigation re the reporters as well as discussions of the implications of the case itself.

I expected, perhaps unfairly <I'm used to Fox being on top of things, whether or not I agree with their perspective> to find a lot more about Rove and Wilson and Plame.

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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 04:55 pm
ehBeth wrote:
just did a search on their site : tried Plame, tried Rove, tried Wilson

Plame and Wilson only exist as part of stories about the reporters. Rove not at all other than a comment on the graffitti wall.

What gives?

Hinkiness abounds.

ahh, I didn't say I found 3. But it was 3, the same 3.
Still think it's odd. I'da thought there'd be a lot of stuff about how evil people are - going after Karl Rove.

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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:01 pm
ehBeth wrote:
ehBeth wrote:
just did a search on their site : tried Plame, tried Rove, tried Wilson

Plame and Wilson only exist as part of stories about the reporters. Rove not at all other than a comment on the graffitti wall.

What gives?

Hinkiness abounds.

ahh, I didn't say I found 3. But it was 3, the same 3.
Still think it's odd. I'da thought there'd be a lot of stuff about how evil people are - going after Karl Rove.


Lol - you are getting near my alternate names for the Seven Dwarves!

(Grotty, Greasy, Slimy, Sleazy, Sappy, Hopeless and Pox.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:09 pm
There's always the possibility the lack of reportage means a lack of story, as opposed to conjecture and agenda. Personal appraisal, of course, but it seems to my admittedly partisan eye the bulk of the "Coverage" to date has been from what I perceive to be the more leftward leaning of US media, along with a great deal of foriegn posturing, postulating, and pontificating. I really think its pretty much a Bushophobe thing, and is destined to join Dean's scream, Kerry's campaign, and Burkette's "Memos" in The Opposition's trophy case.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:21 pm
Absolutely, Timber.

All of this is conjecture.

They're waiting for some facts.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:24 pm
I was going to say something similar, that I think they're waiting for something more definite like the actual grand jury testimony. (Does anyone know when that will happen?) I was thinking that in terms of the New York Times, though, as I don't know much about Fox News. What little I do know seems to indicate that their standards for publishing are a little below the NYT's, and that there could be comparable indefinite-and-developing scandals that were covered by Fox News when they weren't covered by the NYT (should be easy to look up some Kerry stuff, for example.)

At any rate, as I have said, the rhetoric of Opposition, Bushophobe, silly, "what the Democrats hope and anticipate" and such is uncalled for. As is, this is a story that is developing, and could go a few directions. Maybe the direction will be minor, maybe the direction will be major -- one doesn't have to be hoping for or eagerly anticipating any particular outcome to be watching with interest.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:31 pm
Pfffthth! Not hardly uncalled for. It's loudly called for!

It won't take you half a spin around the A2K parking lot to see much worse rhetoric than that by the illustrious PDid's and cyclop's in our midst.

I'm calling the Equal Opportunity cops on you!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:32 pm
Lash wrote:
It won't take you half a spin around the A2K parking lot to see much worse rhetoric than that by the illustrious PDid's and cyclop's in our midst.

And I call 'em on it, too.

Anyway, we'll see what happens.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:32 pm
No quarrel at all with those who aren't salivating.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 05:42 pm
a pinch between cheek and gums.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 07:53 pm
Lawrence O'Donnerll on the Randi RHodes show today.

1) There is a very good chance Rove is going to be indicted.
2) The judge who OKd the jailing of Miller did so because there is very strong evidence that a crime endangering our national security occurred.

Still wonderring about that post from Timberland claiming O'Donnel said Rove did not commit a crime.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 08:39 pm
There will be no indictments.

Mr. Rove did not commit a crime.

There will be no indictments.

Repeat after me........

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 08:48 pm
JustWonders wrote:
There will be no indictments.

Mr. Rove did not commit a crime.

There will be no indictments.

Repeat after me........


Repeat after me, an opinion not based on fact is worthless.

If Miller sings, it is all over and I will bet any amount of money that if Miller breaks her silence there will be indictments and even without, it is highly likely. The judge said that there are serious crimes which breeched national security, that is why is Miller will rot in jail til she gives up the dope on the traitor.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 08:49 pm
Repeat after me

Whoever outed Plame is a traitor. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 08:50 pm
JustWonders wrote:
There will be no indictments.

Mr. Rove did not commit a crime.

There will be no indictments.

Repeat after me........


JW have you seen timber around? LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 09:01 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Repeat after me

Whoever outed Plame is a traitor. LOL

Her husband?

This whole thread is based on opinion.

It's just more hyper-speculation and wishful thinking and how many times have we seen this now? I'm not even going to bother going through the list, but honestly, you'd think the Dems would learn something.


But...carry on ... it seems to make you all feel better ... or important... or something.

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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 09:27 pm
sozobe wrote:
I was going to say something similar, that I think they're waiting for something more definite like the actual grand jury testimony. (Does anyone know when that will happen?) I was thinking that in terms of the New York Times, though, as I don't know much about Fox News. What little I do know seems to indicate that their standards for publishing are a little below the NYT's, and that there could be comparable indefinite-and-developing scandals that were covered by Fox News when they weren't covered by the NYT (should be easy to look up some Kerry stuff, for example.)

At any rate, as I have said, the rhetoric of Opposition, Bushophobe, silly, "what the Democrats hope and anticipate" and such is uncalled for. As is, this is a story that is developing, and could go a few directions. Maybe the direction will be minor, maybe the direction will be major -- one doesn't have to be hoping for or eagerly anticipating any particular outcome to be watching with interest.

Just noticed this reference to the New York Times' 'standards'.

Does anyone here ever read their Corrections section?

They have a new 'standard'. It's called "making stuff up" LOL.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 10:27 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Still wonderring about that post from Timberland claiming O'Donnel said Rove did not commit a crime.

Read it again - read it a few times. Perhaps what I actually said will become clear to you.

Chrissee, again, wrote:
JW have you seen timber around? LOL.

Have no fear, timber's here ... and enjoying watching develop this every bit as much as I've enjoyed watching the development of such things as the Oil-For-Food scandal, The Economy's robust and sustained recovery, Dean's Primary campaign, Kerry's Presidential campaign, Rathergate, The Voter Fraud That Never Happened (despite the 10,000 lawyers ready to pounce on it Laughing ), and the Minnesota Viking's playoff bid. Lotsa folks have come out of those a lot less gratified than have I. Do sorta wish the Packers had done better though.

Just for you, I dug up the real hot scoop on Rove:

Karl Rove's Web of Evil

Greg Gutleb
The Huffington Post.com

My uncle, Roger keeps up on current events and is also really smart (he owns his own comic book store and he's only 51!). Anyway, he wrote this piece for the local free paper. And they printed it! So i thought i would share it with you. I think it fits in perfectly with everything here on the post!


Right from day one, Karl Rove cemented his link with the religious right, by being born on Dec 25, 1950, a day many on the right refer to as "Christmas," a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ (an influential leader worshiped by the religious right.) It was no surprise that Dec 25, 1950 was ALSO the same EXACT day Communist forces recrossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. Clearly, Rove was already making an impact.

"This is what he does," says one observer.

After an unremarkable stint in high school, Rove entered the University of Utah, which currently ranks FIFTH HIGHEST among the nation's campuses for drug-related arrests. Rove dropped out after a few years. What is more interesting: when you research other individuals who have dropped out of college, two names keep coming up.

Rush Limbaugh. Tucker Carlson.


Rove began his political career with the College Republicans, an organization operating on college campuses with the expressed goal of extolling the virtues of the Republican party. Although not at his branch, or during his period of involvement, there was another well-known member of the College Republicans. His name was Lee Atwater.

Lee Atwater is dead.
Like Paul Wellstone.
Like Ron Brown.
Like John Tower.
The list could go on. All died in air crashes, with the exception of Lee Atwater. In Rove's world, the exception clearly proves the rule. And vice versa.

Rove chaired the College Republicans from 1973 to 1974. During the period, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were abducted from their fishing hole on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. It was also at that time that a UFO tried to to abduct a military helicopter while it was flying in the Ohio skies. Even more chilling, both events happened at the same time as the Yom Kippur War, when Egypt and Syria attacked Israeli occupied territories in the Sinai and Golan Heights.

This happened between the 6th and 22nd of October. But, we ask, where was Rove?

And nowhere.
At the same time.
And at different times ,as well.

Rove continued to work for the Republican circles in very specific, but often vague, even mysterious posts. He was made conspicuous by his deliberate inconspicuousness. In 1979, he did some work on George H. W. Bush's 1980 vice presidential bid. During Rove's involvement, there were EIGHT major plane crashes, including a Western Air Lines DC-10, which collided with a dumpster truck, killing 72 people in Mexico City at Benito Juarez Airport. One can only wonder what Rove was having for lunch.

A burrito?
A sizzling plate of fajitas?
"He likes his Mexican food," says one observer.

Rove's web of evil expanded through the 1980's and 90's, and it seemed, wherever Rove (or Karl, to his friends) would roam, tragedy would follow.

It was as though tragedy was his shadow.
Or his pet dog.

Or his pet dog...Shadow.

In 1981, Rove founded a consulting firm (named, in a brazen act of incrimination, after himself) in, of all places, Austin Texas. Soon after, the "Memorial Day Flood" hit Austin, drowning 13 people and causing 36 million dollars in damages...

36 million dollars...an identical sum needed to fund George Bush's presidential campaign.

Naturally, Rove emerged unscathed, even refreshed, from the disaster.
Yet, the coincidences were piling up the way coincidences do: in neatly stacked piles outside Rove's house of lies. A house bought and paid for by coincidences. And lies.

In 1993, Rove began advising George w. Bush's gubernatorial compaign. Almost immediately, United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall dies. Rove probably did a little Pirouette - not unlike something Rudolf Nureyev might have done, if he also hadn't had died that year.

Rove had only been at it for a year, and already a black and a Russian had died.

Rove's favorite drink?

You guessed it: a Black Russian.

During that same year, Rove had visited Los Angeles on a number of occasions. But where, you ask, was he on Halloween? Good question. We'd ask River Phoenix, but he died, conveniently on that VERY day. Where did he die?

You guessed it: Los Angeles. The VERY same Los Angeles that Rove had visited on A NUMBER OF OCCASIONS.

You might guess the death of journeyman catcher Bo Diaz, crushed to death on his roof in his native Venezuela by a satellite dish, plays into this too. rove's partner in crime George W. Bush was the owner and president of the Texas Rangers at about the exact time. one can only imagine why Diaz had to go. One thing is for sure, he isn't talking.

Rove is now a Senior Advisor to the President and, no surprise, is at the center of yet another controversy. A reporter has accused Rove of being the source who leaked Valerie Plame's identity to a columnist. This accusation, oddly, was quickly followed in the news by an attack on Comet Tempel 1, hit by NASA's "copper bullet" from a nearby spacecraft. The reason the government gave for destroying the comet? "To create a crater for scientific study."

Right. We know better. Couldn't the real reason for this senseless attack on an innocent piece of space refuse be to deflect attention away from Rove - and to focus it toward something else, high in the sky?

Clearly, this conspiracy goes higher than we even imagined. Much higher. To the top. Or maybe even higher than that. Really really high. Even higher than before.

and that brings us back to the center of this conspiracy. Ellen DeGeneres, and Anne Heche. think about what strong advocates ellen and anne would have been for the gay marriage. they would have been living proof that 'it works'! but then george bush is elected and mysteriously ann goes straight. only one person on the planet could have orchestrated this sequence of events....

Now, just to steer back toward the Plame Game, there's this:

'NY Times' and 'Wash Post' Differ on Whether Source Who Gave Matt Cooper Waiver Was Karl Rove

By E&P Staff

Published: July 07, 2005 8:45 AM ET

NEW YORK "A short time ago, in somewhat dramatic fashion, I received an express, personal release from my source," Matt Cooper of Time magazine told a federal judge yesterday, in dramatic fashion, just before being sentenced to jail. "It's with a bit of surprise and no small amount of relief that I will comply with this subpoena."

But who was this source? According to The New York Times today, "Cooper's decision to drop his refusal to testify followed discussions on Wednesday morning among lawyers representing Mr. Cooper and Karl Rove, the senior White House political adviser, according to a person who has been officially briefed on the case."

Rove's lawyer had confirmed over the weekend that his client had turned up as a source in Cooper's documents, which Time turned over to the special prosecutor on Friday, but that did not mean that he was the key source in question.

Recent discussions, the Times reported, "centered on whether a legal release signed by Rove last year was meant to apply specifically to Mr. Cooper, who by its terms would be released from any pledge of confidentiality he had made to Mr. Rove, the person said. Mr. Cooper said in court that he had agreed to testify only after he had received an explicit waiver from his source.

Richard A. Sauber, a lawyer for Cooper, would not discuss whether Cooper was referring to Rove, nor would he comment on discussions leading up to Cooper's decision.
Rove declined to comment on Wednesday.

But according to the Washington Post, Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, told the newspaper Rove was not the source who called Cooper yesterday morning and personally waived the confidentiality agreement.

"Karl has not asked anybody to treat him as a confidential source with regard to this story," Luskin said.

Now, if Luskin, on record, is to be believed, there isn't much going on that has anything to do with Rove - other than in the minds of some who seem really to want to believe there is something there. I think, when all is said and done, high on the list of losers in The Plame Game will be Chuck Schumer. We shall see.
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Reply Thu 7 Jul, 2005 11:16 pm
timberlandko wrote:
Chrissee wrote:
Still wonderring about that post from Timberland claiming O'Donnel said Rove did not commit a crime.

Read it again - read it a few times. Perhaps what I actually said will become clear to you.

well, i read it for the first time, along with every subsequent post in this thread, although in reverse order, which makes things a bit confusing. anyway, the point seems to be that Rove committed no crime even if he was the source. that being the case, why hasn't he acknowledged being the source, and spared everyone the time and expense of an investigation?
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