The raw data, as anyone can see, shows that right now it is growing exponentially. You are right that hopefully social distancing will stop that. But you can't say that is happening until you can show mathematically from the data that it is happening. The graph that you agree is correct makes it pretty clear that is isn't yet.
Nor would you expect it to, yet. Social distancing in earnest started last week. Since the incubation period is 11 or 12 days, the people who are being diagnosed now came into contract with the disease before the social distancing really started.
But either way... the data is the data.
- You make unsupported statements
- You don't provide any data (you could prove your point by posting a simple graph or a table showing what you are talking about).
- When I disagree with you, rather than making a factual argument, you make insults.
I have given you graphs and pointed you to raw data. Show me a graph, or a table to support your wild ass claim, or
stop minimizing what is turning into a very serious crisis.