Coronavirus Diaries

Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:59 pm
spiegel-online published a summary of the current discussion about said "Heinsberg study".

I've translated some passages
According to the first interim results, the virus is apparently less lethal than expected. The mortality rate in Heinsberg was 0.37 percent, five times lower than in the rest of Germany. In addition, antibodies against the virus were found in 15 percent of the test persons. According to initial estimates by researchers, these people cannot be infected for at least a few months. Virologists assume that the epidemic will end by itself as soon as about 60 percent of the population is immune.

At the press conference, the researchers repeatedly stressed that the results were not transferable to the whole of Germany. Because most people participated in the lockdown "in such an active and disciplined way", it is now possible to enter a "Phase 2", said Streeck.

In Heinsberg, antibody tests from Euroimmun were used, Streeck told "Zeit Online". According to the company from Lübeck, they tested their products on 1600 blood samples. According to the company, only one percent of the cases tested positive, even though those affected do not carry the novel coronavirus at all. However, in a study with prototypes of the tests, some of them had also reacted to other corona viruses. It is unclear whether the procedures have since been changed. "These laboratory tests have a high rate of false positive signals, purely technical," said virologist Christian Drosten in an interview with "heute Journal".

Drosten had previously stated in a press briefing of the Science Media Center that the Euroimmun antibody test is available in two versions: for antibodies of the IgG and IgA type. It was not clear which of the two had been used in Heinsberg. "I hope that the IgA is not included, because then these would be practically all false positives," said Drosten. This means that the test would have turned out positive, even though the test persons are not immune to the corona virus. It was also not clear whether further tests had been carried out in the laboratory to confirm the results. A manuscript was needed quickly, Drosten continued.

When asked whether he shared the view that the results from Heinsberg did not provide grounds for relaxation, Streeck said: "Of course, it is ultimately up to politicians to decide. We provide data and facts. One thing is certain: we have learned how to behave in a hygienically correct manner. This is an important prerequisite that can make it possible to enter phase 2, namely a beginning withdrawal of quarantine while at the same time ensuring that the hygienic conditions and behaviour are maintained". In addition, at no time was there any political influence on the study.

In fact, the scenario for a possible exit from the lockdown, which was under discussion when the Heinsberg interim results were presented, did not come from virologist Streeck, as he himself had also said. It was suggested a good one and a half weeks ago by hygiene experts, including hygiene professor Martin Exner, who was also present at the Heinsberg press conference.

Nor does the current discussion mean that the study from Heinsberg is worthless. "There is no accusation against colleagues, just a question," wrote virologist Drosten on Twitter. "Discourse enables scientific opinion forming. Even if some would like a scholarly dispute."
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Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 03:27 am
Walter, I’m sure I’m not the only person reading along with you and farmerman appreciatively. Thank you.


Horrifying news.

South Korea reports recovered coronavirus patients testing positive again

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 05:21 am
Meanwhile, the Coronavirus 5G conspiracy theory fuels arson attacks across Britain: more than 30 acts of arson and vandalism have taken place against wireless towers and other telecom gear there this month (April).
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 05:34 am
@Walter Hinteler,
This is the first I’ve heard this, although I’ve heard a lot of less-focused theories about the virus as a concerted attack.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 06:56 am
It's been talked about since months, since weeks somehow the conspiracy theory in the UK.
It reportedly began in January, when a Belgian doctor speculated to a national newspaper about 5G masts in Wuhan, China, where the new coronavirus originated. Despite the article being removed after a few hours because the comments were baseless, the narrative was picked up by conspiratorial Internet personalities and has spread across the Internet as the coronavirus fans anxieties around the world.

Het Laatste Nieuws published an interview with Kris Van Kerckhoven, a general practitioner from Putte (near Antwerp), on January 23. "5G is life-threatening, and no one knows it", read the headline.

At the time, the outbreak was a comparative speck. It had claimed nine lives and infected 440 people, almost all of them in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Under the heading “Link met coronavirus?” the Het Laatste Nieuws journalist pointed out that since 2019 a number of 5G cell towers had been built around Wuhan. Could the two things be related? “I have not done a fact check”, Van Kerckhoven cautioned, before piling in. “But it may be a link with current events”. And so the fuse was lit.

Van Kerckhoven’s comments were quickly picked up by anti-5G campaigners in the Dutch-speaking world, with Facebook pages linking to and quoting from the article. Here, they claimed, was proof of something very dark indeed. Within days, the conspiracy theory had spread to dozens of English-language Facebook pages. But the conspiracy theory that Van Kerckhoven was peddling isn’t new, it has been bubbling away quietly for decades in unfounded concerns about high-voltage power lines in the 1980s to mobile phones in the 1990s. In coronavirus, such concerns had found a new hook. “Because the quotes were unfounded, we withdrew the article within a few hours,” says Het Laatste Nieuws editor Dimitri Antonissen. “We regret the fact that the story was online for a few hours,” he adds. “Unfortunately with conspiracy theories popping up on several places, this does not stop a story from spreading.” And spread it did.

On YouTube, obscure online talkshow hosts and vloggers started revealing “the truth” about 5G and coronavirus, racking up tens of thousands of views. Posts on Facebook made similarly outlandish claims, receiving only a few thousand views from a familiar and welcoming audience. For some time, the conspiracy theory would bounce across this echo chamber. But some weeks later, it started to break out, propelled by engagement algorithms that were smart enough to spot a viral trend but dumb enough not to notice the idiocy of its content.

From those obscure beginnings, the conspiracy theory has now been pushed by celebrities with hundreds of thousands or millions of social media followers including boxer Amir Khan, singer Anne-Marie, actor Woody Harrelson, former Dancing on Ice judge Jason Gardiner, pop star Keri Hilson, former Made in Chelsea star Lucy Watston, and TV personality Amanda Holden – the latter of whom claims she “accidentally” tweeted a link to a since-deleted anti-5G petition on Change.org. Said petition, which at the time had more than 110,000 signatures, erroneously claimed that the symptoms of exposure to 5G are “very much” like the symptoms of coronavirus.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 08:14 am
@Walter Hinteler,
In the Netherlands, before the corona crisis, protests against 5G were limited to, demonstrations on Dam Square (Amsterdam).

They don't have 5G in the Netherlands yet. But now, since the above mentioned Belgian report, protesters targeted a large number of cellular broadcasting towers throughout the Netherlands to oppose the new 5G telecommunications network ... as source of the Corona virus.

Four masts were set on fire last night in the Bravant province (De Telegraaf)

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Region Philbis
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2020 08:34 am

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Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 07:16 am
Some good news - my friend's son came home Easter Eve from the hospital he has immune issue due to an organ transplant. He had tonsillitis and had to be admitted to the hospital previously and with all this even his mom could not be with him.

We did a drive by on Easter to see my mom - we let the dog go "kiss" her for us. And then we drove by my daughter's boyfriend's house so she could say hi - she has had difficulty with all this and has caused her anxiety to even spike more which has caused some repeat harmful behavior so I hoped these "touches" from a closer distance might help her out.
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Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 07:43 am
Woken up at 3:50am by that jarring emergency blast on my phone again! This time, a tornado has been sighted in the county.

Usually, I take tornado warnings in stride, just go where I need to go, do what I need to do, and hope for the best.

This time, I just felt on overload. Tension all day about touching things, using community washers and dryers, worried about family businesses, worried about my son on the other side of the same tornado county.


For the first time, I saw a group of young men walk through our community’s parking lot, looking at cars. It was 1am. My apt is first floor, my den and
bedroom lights, by the entryway of the first building. I pulled up my blinds and turned on my lights. They left immediately.

I’m very cognizant of the fact that many many people in this country don’t have what they need.
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Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 11:06 am
Found out my brother is working on the floor with those that are most ill with the virus.

I hope the team is doing well and holding up.
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Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 11:29 am
Just read about this free tickets for life for BI medical personnel and they got to go to fenway and throw out the first pitch of the season!

Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 12:53 pm
At the moment you can see very clearly what and who is needed. We are seeing which professions are crucial to keeping life going - and a whole new logic is emerging: It's becoming clear just how systemically relevant nurses, caregivers, garbage pickers are. Their standing is rising. It is no longer primarily about power and status as managers have it.

I think this Corona crisis also shows that we have to ask ourselves whether salaries that are achieved on the market correspond to the social value of the work.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 06:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
And you can't forget liquor stores!! My take in the MA why these are considered essential probably because we have such limited grocery stores that can sell beer and wine so maybe it because the governor did not want to get grief about unfairness of them not being able to open when grocery stores can and sell beer and wine

Also one thing I noticed - at many of the restaurants that are doing order and pick up - they are able to sell liquor to go now. Never happened before. I think the state is trying to "help" restaurants as much as they can

Also recreational pot shops are suing the governor over them not being essential.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 01:07 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
A mobile phone mast serving the emergency NHS Nightingale hospital in Birmingham is one of the latest targeted by arsonists who wrongly believe 5G technology is linked to the spread of coronavirus.

Nick Jeffery, the chief executive of Vodafone UK, revealed that a mast providing connectivity to the hospital was attacked over the weekend – bringing the total to more than 40 nationwide (in the UK).
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Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 01:23 pm
...liquor stores...

In Pennsylvania, it's dreadful if one wants to pass out drunk. Their liquor stores are shut down, so beer and wine are about the most people can get for now. Perhaps they can start making some bathtub gin. (always thoroughly clean tub before embarking on this)

I have noticed the restaurants which do delivery/takeout here are now selling wine. And charging what seems exorbitant - $40.00 a bottle. Knowing nothing of wine I don't know if it's a fair price. When I drqnk, I swore by the discount bin where it ran under three bucks!
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 02:16 pm
Sturgis wrote:

In Pennsylvania, it's dreadful if one wants to pass out drunk. Their liquor stores are shut down, so beer and wine are about the most people can get for now. Perhaps they can start making some bathtub gin. (always thoroughly clean tub before embarking on this)

I have noticed the restaurants which do delivery/takeout here are now selling wine. And charging what seems exorbitant - $40.00 a bottle. Knowing nothing of wine I don't know if it's a fair price. When I drqnk, I swore by the discount bin where it ran under three bucks!

Funny story about liquor and PA - when my daughter was younger she had a basketball tournament there right in the heart of Amish country --- the mom I carpooled with to travel there was pretty funny. We decided we wanted a little wine one particular evening of our stay...not being familiar with the crazy liquor, beer and wine laws in PA we found out we had to get wine at one of a very few stores near where we staying only to find out it closed at I think it was like 9. Any way we were very close - and we had kids in the car after the last game.

I told her - ah lets forget it. She said no it is a mission - she was determined to beat the the closing time. The kids were cheering us on especially the younger boy who was just there for the fun not competing. We pull up and went to the wrong store at first in the strip mall - then went to the right one just as they were closing the door - the lady was nice enough and allowed us to get our bottle.

Not sure that was a really good example for the kids....but it was funny.

And restaurant always charge high prices for wine - it is how they make their money - I didn't check the places that were offering it to go - so I would be curious if it is the same price as dine in. $40 may be reasonable for a good bottle of wine - depends on the wine.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 02:23 pm
It was a great example...and experience for the children. You both showed that perseverance can be rewarded! Never give up!
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Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 02:25 pm
Just now I hear sirens and I am thinking no not the lady next door (she older and smokes so I worry about her). I am on a small street so there is hardly any traffic going by.

Then I see the fire trucks and wonder why the heck are they driving so slow. Two trucks then an ambulance and a couple of police cars and then a whole parade of other cars with streamers and people hanging out the windows waving; some with balloons and streamers - one with a happy birthday sign - I mean there were 30 or so cars.

Looks like a bit of a parade. And now they are parked up around the corner from me. There is a bend in the road so I have no idea what is going on.
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Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 02:44 pm
Sturgis wrote:
I have noticed the restaurants which do delivery/takeout here are now selling wine. And charging what seems exorbitant - $40.00 a bottle.

in order to keep money flowing while their places are in effect shut down, bars locally are charging wholesale + cost of a side order (which turns out to be a bag of chips for $5 Smile ) for bottles of wine/alcohol/cases of beer . they need the cash to stay afloat
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Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 03:29 pm
I have been doing takeout a couple of times a week. I have been tipping 25-30% because I feel bad for the restaurants. Other people seem to be doing this too.

This is money that I would be spending on service anyway....

The Indian food place down the street has been adding extra food to the order compliments of the house.... and they do this before they receive any tip. I think generosity is especially important during the crisis.
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