maxdancona wrote:
It is completely clear to be that things like selling organs and blood sports should be illegal. I also find it easy to support tattoos, alcohol and skydiving. These are the easy cases, the things in the middle get more complicated. You have to balance freedom and individual rights with the good of society.
Subjective judgment can be skewed by normativity, which is cultural. Things like skydiving, bungee jumping, and alcohol get culturally normalized in a way that makes them seem more subjectively acceptable than other sports or drugs that pose similar risks but seem less normal.
Quote:I support legalized prostitution, marijuana (but not meth), physician assisted suicide (but heavily regulated). These are what I consider to be the difficult cases and I respect people who disagree with me on these issues.
Cannabis and prostitution are examples of borderline-normal practices that are pushed toward normalcy by comparing them with other, more normalized drugs and exploitation.
Really, culture should be progressing away from sensual indulgences toward higher pleasures but it gets stuck because of backlash-psychology where rebellion against authority creates a culture of defiance and 'trumpism' (i.e. trumping authority - spelled with lower case, not referring to the president).