Wed 27 Nov, 2019 05:02 am
1. How is Baudrillard’s theory of simulation expressed in the film? (How can we explain the film in relation to the theory of simulation?)
2. What is simulacrum in the film? How does simulation happen?
3. Is there the effect of “a duplicate merging with the reality“ in the film? How does it come out? How can we notice it?
4. How does simulation affect reality and its signs in the film?
5. How does simulation logic work in the film?
6. What is the relation of authority to simulation in the film? To reality?
7. “It is not we who are watching the (TV) screen, but the screen is watching us”. Explain within the context of the film.
8. How can Baudrillard’s idea about the relation between the masses and media be explained in the context of the film?
9. How does the film solve the problem of morals – i.e. is there any place in the simulated world for morals, for the good and the bad?
10. What is the symbolism of names, if any, in the film? Does that have any link to the theory of simulation?
Nobody here will do your homework for you. You've not even bothered to say what the film is.
If you're having problems ask your teachers.
izzythepush wrote:
Nobody here will do your homework for you. You've not even bothered to say what the film is.
If you're having problems ask your teachers.
I'm going to assume it's the Matrix (1999) due to the inordinate amount of "simulation" drops in the above questions.
And ya. We're not fracking do the OP's homework for him.