Tue 21 Jun, 2005 07:02 pm
If Tom Cruise actually did anything to the guy, everyone would be all over him. If he acts civil, he get's this...
"I probably would've decked the guy" (meaning the Water Pistol Guy). Amen, Mr. O, Tom Cruise looked like a real putz, standing there, wiping his face, and calling the guy a "jerk," over and over. No wonder Tom Cruise can't hold on to a woman (Mimi, Nicole, Penelope, etc., etc., etc.), he's a wuss! " - Bill O Reilly
If O Reilly punches the guy and winds up in jail for assault, I'll be laughing.
O'Reilly is an ignorant asshole. He proves it every time he opens his mouth. Why listen?
blueveinedthrobber wrote:O'Reilly is an ignorant ****. He proves it every time he opens his mouth. Why listen?
i hate his politics, but i love his arrogance, guess my affinity for listening to o'rielly, rush, hannity and all those right wing wind bags, well i don't really know why i listen, it's like a car crash, you don't want to look but you feel compelled
plus, it's always good to know your enemy
I loved Rush's "the fringe is the mainstream" rant yesterday. Raised the question of whether he understands the meaning of either word.
If you threw water on O'Reilly, the evil bastard would start melting.
What are you talking about O'Reilly is such a wuss he would never hit the guy. He is all talk. Probably just said that to get a rise out of everyone, like he says about anything. He does it all for ratings.
Seriously. He can talk all he wants about Tom Cruise not holding on to these women, but O'Reilly's bloated, fatheaded mick-ass couldn't get them in the first place. In fact, his idea of busting game is sexually harrassing women over the phone.
Glass houses, Mr. O'Reilly.
I don't listen to any of these people because it makes me furious. I admire you, DrewDad, for being able to listen to it and see the humor in it. Sort of like how I watch Ron Popeil for amusement, I suppose.