Pink lady? Never heard of it, but when I absolutely have to do something healthy, it has to be a Granny Smith, also from New Zealand, though margo once assured me it was Australian before they stole it.
Now, if anybody knows the trick to getting peanut butter to stick to a sliced apple, don't make a secret of it.
Adding buffalo chicken tenders to my list as one of my favorite,"bar food" snacks.

= ME, last night!!
Roger,peanut butter on apple slices!I´m getting nauseous thinking about it.Now a good piece of cheese with a Granny Smith-yummy.
manioc is the English word, I'm just not sure if it corresponds to the Portuguese word. ;-)
PB on anything is divine. I miss PB terribly!
Lots of pop corn, isn't that the reason they invented the microwave - to pop popcorn.
Jerry R - your comment way back up thataways on the thread about you being, or not, the man, is a thing of beauty and a joy forever!
Snack food - hmmmmmm - sometimes I bust out on chocolate but I tend to snack on raw almonds or cashews or dried fruit or vita weat biscuits - sometimes with a little cheese.
I am SOOOOOO not worried about shorting the computer! I drink coffee and tea and water and fruit juice and wine and scotch and whatever I damn well please near it and on it. If it wants to be dainty it can leave home!
Actually - I need to keep crap food out of the house, since I will eat it if it is there - which is such a pain if people drop in. They get nuts and anything else I can dig up.
And - one so can flirt inadvertantly!
Craven, I have a jar of Skippy smooth (unopened and the jar is made of plastic so it won't break in transit): where am I mailing it to?
Popcorn and/or dark chocolate. As a buffer, carrot and/or celery sticks sprinkled with Emeril essence (okay, there's salt in it).
Weren´t those the famous glasses cast from Marie Antoinettes breasts?
jespah wrote:Craven, I have a jar of Skippy smooth (unopened and the jar is made of plastic so it won't break in transit): where am I mailing it to?
Me me me me!
Schniff, but by the time it gets here I shant be around. :-(
Peanut butter stuffed into apples (cut a big wedge, and then slice the wedge partway down) and then slathered on - that is not snack food - that is real food!
I can send the peanut butter to boot camp. Do they allow care packages there? Or will bomb-sniffing dogs inspect it and then check it for its snackability?
I dunno what happens in boot. I don't even know where it will be.
But the first thing I'll do when I get stateside is eat PB, bagels and everything else I don't eat here.
I believe they do allow care packages, but does he deserve them? he's being awfully hmmmmmmmmmm cheeky today.
Best care package I saw while in Germany was a case (not package, case) of cheese and crackers. Sharing is a rigidly enforced tradition, by the way.
Alaska? How 'bout that weather station in Thule, Greenland?
Well if you get Army I have a brother-in-law that is a DI at Fort Leonard Lost in the Woods. I can give him a heads up to give you some special treatment, lol.
Thule sounds nice roger!
Special as in more pushups?
Perhaps, but actually will defer to Deb re your treatment at boot camp, haha.
deferential to deb. sounds safe.