sawildcat wrote:Thanx for the info H2O_MAN, I called & they E-mailed them to me the same day, Now I have another question. The manuals are helpful but very vague (For the Amazon System). It showed how to set my timers & told me when to add salt, but not where & how to add salt, I am guessing you add it to the large container beside the main unit, Now this container has water already in it, do I need to empty this out first or do I add the salt with the water to dilute it? & how much goes in? & how do I figure how many times a week I need to regenerate? any help for all or even part is appreciated
Thanx for your time
You guessed correctly.
If you have less than 12" of clean water in the salt tank then go ahead and add your salt.
If it is dirty or you have sediment in the tank it is best to dump, rinse, add about 10" of clean water and fresh salt.
It depends on the number of people in the house and how hard your water is. Regenerating once or twice a week is a good start.