That's one violent family
I take the conditions as "if any of the sons are left with mom but without dad at the same place they will be killed", and likewise with mom and daughters. In other words sons can be left without dad for as long as mom is not around. Otherwise it is unsolvable. Here's my script:
1. Maid with Dog crosses (dad,s1,s2,mom,d1,d2 -- maid,dog)
2. Maid Returns (dad,s1,s2,mom,d1,d2,maid -- dog)
3. Maid with Daughter1 cross (dad,s1,s2,mom,dot2 -- dot1,maid,dog)
4. Maid returns with Dog (dad,s1,s2,mom,d2,maid,dog -- d1)
5. Mom with Daughter 2 cross (dad,s1,s2,maid,dog -- mom,d1,d2)
6. Mom returns (dad,s1,s2,mom,maid,dog -- d1,d2)
7. Mom and Dad cross (s1,s2,maid,dog -- dad,mom,d1,d2)
8. Dad returns (dad,s1,s2,maid,dog -- mom,d1,d2)
9. Maid and Dog cross (dad,s1,s2 -- mom,d1,d2,maid,dog)
10. Mom returns (dad,s1,s2,mom -- d1,d2,maid,dog)
11. Mom and Dad Cross (s1,s2 -- dad,mom,d1,d2,maid,dog)
12. Dad returns (dad,s1,s2 -- mom,d1,d2,maid,dog)
13. Dad and Son1 cross (s2 -- dad,s1,mom,d1,d2,maid,dog)
14. Maid and dog returns (s2,maid,dog -- dad,s1,mom,d1,d2)
15. Maid and son2 cross (dog -- dad,s1,s2,mom,d1,d2,maid)
16. Maid returns (maid, dog -- dad,s1,s2,mom,d1,d2)
17. Maid and dog cross ( -- dad,s1,s2,mom,d1,d2,maid,dog)