Mon 6 Jun, 2005 08:10 am
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
Plenty of's so hard to do when people can see you.
walk around naked.
shop naked
drive naked
did I say I would be naked?
Naked, yes!
I would especially enjoy driving as long as I didn't cause too many people to swerve off the road.
I might also have a little fun at the mall, tapping people on the shoulder, or ruffling their hair. Just enough to make them wonder, not to the point of scaring the begeesus out of them.
if i were invisible for a day, I would WANT to scare people.
I would spray paint only my hands and feet a bright orange. Walk through crowded buildings.
Hold a cat over my head and walk through a crowd.
Something like that. I love to see people freak out over strange things. I would be the new haunt of austin. :-)
I'd leave a note for hubby and son saying I was taking the day off, then I'd head to the airport. I'd bypass security, sneak on board a flight going someplace wonderful, and settle into an empty seat somewhere...preferably in first class. I could steal food whenever someone wasn't looking. When we landed, I'd sneak into the front seat of the first cab and go shoplifting at all the best places. I'd be very tired when I finally got home with all my treasures.
Slip forbidden items in to people's carry-ons. Watch the hilarity ensue.
Oooh, you know what else would be fun? If I could go to one of Bears shows and throw in like random, off key harmonies.
I'd also have some fun eating off of other peoples plates at restaurants.
I was just going to say - listen in to see what others say about me, but you all have me thinking of things that are much more fun.
How about standing next to a dog and making him talk? It would be wonderful to see how people respond.
Oh, yeah, or hang out at the primate area of the zoo and do the same thing. That would freak some people out! Maybe even the zoo keepers! That's a good one, Linkat.
Go to a biker bar. Make comments about the patrons' appearance, hygene, masculinity, etc.
Give the President a wedgie.
that is GREAT!
I would eat a bean burrito... then stand in an elevator and fart like crazy
Hm, I'd sneak into some good movies naked, go over to Shewolfs naked, watch her for an hour or so, leave, go to all the houses of the people who were mean to me and scare the **** out of them. Literally. What better revenge than to have someone sitting in their own feces?
i would hide under someones desk and pluck thier leg hairs one at a time......
shewolfnm wrote:i would hide under someones desk and pluck thier leg hairs one at a time......
yeah, THAT'S what you'd do under someones desk all day....
depends on how well I like them...
Oh, ya gotta like them to do that?
I don't know if I would go to the movies naked. They always crank up the a/c too high. It would be freezing and I certainly would not want to sit on the seats naked - invisible or not.