escvelocity wrote:But even a chest X-ray isn't recomended for a prego woman, would pregnant women be an exception? Would they have to wear the lead cover up going through the line?
Pregnant women should worry about exposing their fetuses to cosmic radiation during the flight, not the backscatter x-ray screening. A typical airline flight exposes you to about .02 mSv/hr from cosmic radiation, depending on altitude, latitude, and solar flares. The screening scan would add only .00005 mSv. In other words, you would get about a thousand times as much extra radiation from a 2 hour flight as from being screened.
To put this in perspective, the limit for radiation to the general public is 1 mSv per year in addition to natural sources. Flight crew members may get several times that, and are advised to fly shorter, lower routes during pregnancy to limit their exposure. An airline flight is roughly equivalent to a chest x-ray.