toad away, toad away
where do you go
when your
toad away?
towed away?
toed away, toed away
the ballerina toed all day
and for crappy pay
she toed that way
di dys say something?
i'm shocked and 'awed' but not toadally; perhaps more 'frog'illy.
Well - I suppose it IS digressing....
wish i was eighteen again, when i knew everything; i've been digressing ever since.
down at toad hall, the frog lilies drift
I dinna think digressing is the opposite of knowing something, BoGoWo!!!
In fact, I believe that the ability to digress is a crowning jewel of human consciousness - since, in order to do so, consciously, one must have both that which one is digressing FROM, and that which one is digressing ABOUT, firmly in one's mind - and continue to have it thus through potentially infinite digressions!
Good digression is the jazz of human communication - or the fugue, if one will - for, throughout its seemingly endless variations, the golden thread of the theme must remain - as here, where the hamster leitmotiv leaps flashing to the surface, gleams as it hovers in the air, then returns again to the depths.....
ehBeth wrote:down at toad hall, the frog lilies drift
Hmmmm - good point, Bethless, amphibians all, but one does not think of TOADS sitting on lily pads - yet, toads have, in general, the most beautiful, bewitching, eyes - eyes which might be said to gild the lily indeed....nor do toads get kissed and turned into princes - this may be thought a good thing, though, since princes seem, in general, a most disappointing lot - while a toad is exactly what it is, and ought to be.
Now, speakin' of princes, have we ever mentioned what a prince of a guy BoGoWo is? When the first Tranna A2K gathering happened, Mr. Wo brought lovely little boxes of perfect chocos for each of us. Princely.
Man's a damn frog!!!
(Frog is GOOOOOOD!)
Quote:the hamster leitmotiv leaps flashing to the surface, gleams as it hovers in the air, then returns again to the depths.....
Given an infinite number of hampsters typing an infinite number of hours, then one of them would eventually produce this sentence. Then, there would probably be a coffee break with lots of finger stretching, followed by a infinitely big debriefing, and lastly, some real poignant introspection on whether it was all worth it.
Hamsters' lil fingies are too small to type with - they would have to pound the keys with their wee fisties...
I knew you'd catch me up on that little detail.
Well, I suspect they would think it worth it....
dlowan wrote:I dinna think digressing is the opposite of knowing something, BoGoWo!!!
In fact, I believe that the ability to digress is a crowning jewel of human consciousness - since, in order to do so, consciously, one must have both that which one is digressing FROM, and that which one is digressing ABOUT, firmly in one's mind - and continue to have it thus through potentially infinite digressions!
Good digression is the jazz of human communication - or the fugue, if one will - for, throughout its seemingly endless variations, the golden thread of the theme must remain - as here, where the hamster leitmotiv leaps flashing to the surface, gleams as it hovers in the air, then returns again to the depths.....
perhaps bun; but you digress!
dlowan wrote:Man's a damn frog!!!
(Frog is GOOOOOOD!)
No, no, no,noooooo....
I'm an 'English' Canadian!!!
luck has nothing to do with it - it's pure 'drugery'.
Makes their wee fisties very sore....un-Frog.
Quote:the hamster leitmotiv leaps flashing to the surface, gleams as it hovers in the air, then returns again to the depths.....
Has somebody been channeling Douglas Adams? Or just drinking blended scotch while cleaning chicken coops?