Sun 16 Mar, 2003 02:19 am
It occurs to me that I go my merry way through life, surrounded by technological objects, some of which I can actually work - (I CAN program the video!) - with no, or very little, idea of how they function. (Well, really, although I do have a lot of biology, I have very little idea of how I work, actually, but I digress.)
Now - I know that people will speak to me of micro-chips and electrons and suchlike mythical contructs - I mean, I have SEEN microchips, (and circuit boards), which is odd and counter-intuitive when you think about it - ought I not to need a microscope to see THOSE smeggers, I mean, I ask you! - but, frankly, anyone who has seen a microchip or circuit board or even one of those weird looking things under the bonnet of my car will be able to tell you thatthey clearly cannot do the things claimed for them!
As for electricity - all it is good for is to throw you across the room - if you are lucky and don't get stuck to the smegging stuff and shudder yourself to death, like me poor old mummy nearly did before she was a mummy - it would FRY a computer or suchlike- they are delicate, all it takes is a little kick and they are herstory!
Frankly, the only machines that have ever convinced me are the steam engines - you can SEE they are working.
I think all this techno-babble is the invention of the new priestly class - engineered to confuse and confound us, leading to our domination and effective enslavement.
The real work is done by weeny little hamsters - scampering around with little cards and signs and running in wee wheels and puffing and panting and sweating. The very hard information technology stuff is staffed by weeny descendants of the Lilliputians - bred smaller and smaller until they could be enslaved by the mere threat of their babies being blown away with a puff of smoke from their huge, techie tormentors!
What do you think?
I will put my hamsters up against your mythical electrons any day!
Interesting topic! I've always thought there're little singing hamsters inside radios, no matter what these modern witchdoctor "scientists" try to tell me about invisible "radio waves" and other such nonsense! Pfft!
All of the files on this site are served up by hamsters. Every now and then when the number of file requests per second get too high they revolt, but they are a generally happy bunch.
Another mirror of the original hamster dance (no longer on the web), created by Deidre LaCarte
Monger -while I salute your wisdom in untangling the power-snatching myths of the techies - I blame you for the "Quee of the smegging hippies" thing - you and Craven will BOTH keep!
I am SO glad the A2k hamsters are a happy bunch - sing while they work, do they?
Geckos and wabbits?
Don't be silly! What is this, the stone age?
Whoa,..hold the phone.
What about the stationary bikes with the generators that the guides and moderators have been pedalling since September to keep the site up?!?!?!
Deb are you telling me that you HAVEN'T been pedalling?!?!?!
Well,..there's the real reason for for the few outages we've had!
Where's Craven??,..I'm taking a break!!
LOL! I have been WALKING - I got special dispensation - but it is the hamsters who do the rest of the work - ok?
Man, you shoulda seen their little furry arses hustle when they had to run all the files over to the new server!
Like a treadmill could get up enough speed to give us the power we need!
(I'm having this strange urge to put on my best "Scotty from Star Trek" imitation,.."But captain, I'm giving you all the pow'r we've got,..She can't take much more, We need MORE hamsters"
No - "Ye'e overloading the hamsters, sorrr - they canna take much more!"
Yeah,..well,..that too! :wink:
LOL! They'll take 2 weeks to repair Captain - but for you I'll duit in one....
Repair,...the hamsters????
Hmmmmmm - well, splint their wittle spavins, laser their wittle bwoken backs, regenerate their burns, tie their wittle severed limbs back on, give 'em R&R so they breed more hamsters, that sort of stuff....let em recuperate and re-numerate...
Craven, youse should try the
The Hampster Blast and
The Satanic Hampster Dance (not for kids!)
Go ahead and pelt me with tomatoes if you must!
Are they for innocent li'l Bunnies?