dlowen; why don't you start a "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Bunnies", then we could really sink our teeth into these inordinately wanton attackers.
P.S. keep the membership fees down, eh!
Fine idea!
However, I think I might have to leave Australia to do it - here we are........vermin...
weiner dogs?!? we are being attacked by weiner dogs?!?
amigos, break out the ketchup, mustard and relish!
Is it true that real traditional hamburgers are made from HAMSTERS. yummy yumy yuk yuk
pueo--Don't you mean salsa and sour cream? ewwwww!
TerryDoolittle wrote:pueo--Don't you mean salsa and sour cream? ewwwww!
we have found that the usual standby's of ketchup, mustard, and relish go best with weiner dogs
hamster jerky treats anyone?
Hey, Pueo, the Bunny's lookin' fer ya . . . she's heavily armed an' she left her sense of humor at home . . .
Owls on a stick - lovely roasted owls on a stick!
Whooooooooo wants one?
Get your owlkebabs here!
Hamster jerky? Owl treats? This place has gone to the dogs!
I resemble that remark . . .
Baked hedgehogs and dandilion salad
my compliments on your choice of lyric; but then, who want's to live forever?
Hmmmmmm - gone to the dogs?
Don't cats like kebabs too?
My cats' favourites are plastic bag kebabs!
Hamsters! The thread needs hamsters!
O.K.; I'll slice a few up, and slap em on the barbi;
do you want any sauce on that?