Hi i was wondering if enyone could give me advise on how to start in the art buisiness and just can give me eny advise , because i've always loved art and i find it a great releif of when i'm angrey , depressed or ashamed but my art is quit unsusial and when people c it there not always sure what it is , i wanted to go into advertising but i realised that my idea's would be too strong and controversal. I have a great desire to exspess my views on death , the vanity of the rich and every day life problems , but the only problem is i carn't always exspress them through painting as i am not very highly skilled , although i have just finished a project where it was an origional idea that nobady would of thought of in my class and i was pleased with that because i felt my indivisuality come out . i created a video piece that i filmed in my house that turned into an animation , the main story is about how people complain about there small problems and over exadgerate them like saying "oh i feel my life is over!" but i wanted to show a contrast with the proverty and great suffering of the world .
oh no! i've typed alot! ha ha Well enyway i was woundering if there's eny jobs that i could go into n is there a space for video art? the only problem is i carn't afford to go to university . well il be happy for eny responce good or bad , jus tell me
ok bye bye