kickycan wrote:In college my roommate had one that he thought he made up. I'm pretty sure he didn't, but here it is.
Every once in a while we'd go to the supermarket and he'd steal any and all cherry kool-aid packets he could stuff inside his coat. Then we'd go to the liquor store and buy bottles of rum, gin, vodka, whiskey, cheap beer (the amount of cheap beer depended on how much money we had to spend) and whatever else we felt like throwing in.
We'd then get any non-filthy plastic garbage can from wherever we could find one in the dorm, put a couple of new garbage can liners in there to keep things clean, and just dump all the liquor and kool-aid in there together. This red punch was called "wapatula".
We had some great wapatula parties...if you did it right, everything and everyone would be smashed, stained red, and just generally a mess. The last one we had actually got him kicked out of the dorm...good times.
LOL! That sounds like a drink we used to make when I was in the Marines!
The key difference is that we used grain alcohol (100 proof!) and called it Mojo. We would take a garbage can (lined with a bag of course), fill it with fruit punch and all kinds of cut up fruit, add the liquor, mix well and proceed to Paaaartay!!
Even though these parties often ended with MP's showing up somehow, they were still a blast!