highly unpleasant, especially to the senses; physically nauseating.
"plastic bags burn with a nasty, acrid smell"
synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, repulsive, odious, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, repellent, repugnant, horrendous, hideous, appalling, atrocious, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious, unpalatable, unsavory, unappetizing, off-putting, uninviting, dirty, filthy, squalid; More
noxious, evil-smelling, foul-smelling, smelly, stinking, rank, rancid, fetid, malodorous, acrid;
informalghastly, horrid, gruesome, putrid, diabolical, yucky, sick-making, godawful, gross, icky, stinky;
informalbeastly, grotty, whiffy, pongy, niffy;
informallousy, skanky, funky;
informalon the nose;
literarynoisome, mephitic;
archaicdisgustful, loathly;
raremiasmal, olid
"there was a nasty smell in the kitchen"
serious, dangerous, bad, awful, dreadful, terrible, frightful, critical, severe, grave, alarming, worrying, concerning;
painful, ugly
"her father's had a nasty accident"
antonyms: nice, delightful, lovely, pleasant, slight, minor
(of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet.
"a cold, nasty day"
synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, foul, filthy, inclement; More
wet, rainy, stormy, cold, foggy, blustery, squally
"the weather turned nasty"
antonyms: fine, sunny
repugnant to the mind; morally bad.
"her stories are very nasty, full of murder and violence"
(of a person or animal) behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.
"Harry was a nasty, foul-mouthed old devil"
synonyms: unkind, unpleasant, unfriendly, disagreeable, inconsiderate, uncharitable, rude, churlish, spiteful, malicious, mean, mean-spirited, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humored, bad-tempered, hostile, vicious, malevolent, evil-minded, surly, obnoxious, poisonous, venomous, vindictive, malign, malignant, cantankerous, hateful, hurtful, cruel, wounding, abusive; More