Donald, Mr. Trump if you're nasty!

Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 05:35 pm
It reads like a line from a classic Janet Jackson song, but the word, "nasty" seems to be presently causing strife between Meghan Markle and Trump, who used the word to describe her.

But what does, 'nasty' actually mean and how did Trump use/mean it? Google provides the following two meanings of 'nasty:'
highly unpleasant, especially to the senses; physically nauseating.
"plastic bags burn with a nasty, acrid smell"
synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, distasteful, awful, dreadful, horrible, terrible, vile, foul, abominable, frightful, loathsome, revolting, repulsive, odious, sickening, nauseating, nauseous, repellent, repugnant, horrendous, hideous, appalling, atrocious, offensive, objectionable, obnoxious, unpalatable, unsavory, unappetizing, off-putting, uninviting, dirty, filthy, squalid; More
noxious, evil-smelling, foul-smelling, smelly, stinking, rank, rancid, fetid, malodorous, acrid;
informalghastly, horrid, gruesome, putrid, diabolical, yucky, sick-making, godawful, gross, icky, stinky;
informalbeastly, grotty, whiffy, pongy, niffy;
informallousy, skanky, funky;
informalon the nose;
literarynoisome, mephitic;
archaicdisgustful, loathly;
raremiasmal, olid
"there was a nasty smell in the kitchen"
serious, dangerous, bad, awful, dreadful, terrible, frightful, critical, severe, grave, alarming, worrying, concerning;
painful, ugly
"her father's had a nasty accident"
antonyms: nice, delightful, lovely, pleasant, slight, minor

(of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet.
"a cold, nasty day"
synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, foul, filthy, inclement; More
wet, rainy, stormy, cold, foggy, blustery, squally
"the weather turned nasty"
antonyms: fine, sunny
repugnant to the mind; morally bad.
"her stories are very nasty, full of murder and violence"

(of a person or animal) behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.
"Harry was a nasty, foul-mouthed old devil"
synonyms: unkind, unpleasant, unfriendly, disagreeable, inconsiderate, uncharitable, rude, churlish, spiteful, malicious, mean, mean-spirited, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humored, bad-tempered, hostile, vicious, malevolent, evil-minded, surly, obnoxious, poisonous, venomous, vindictive, malign, malignant, cantankerous, hateful, hurtful, cruel, wounding, abusive; More

Now let's look at whether Trump's quote refers to the first or second meaning:

The Sun: "Now Meghan, who is now the Duchess of Sussex, we've given her a different name, she can't make it because she's got maternity leave. Are you sorry not to see her? Because she wasn't so nice about you during the campaign. I don't know if you saw that."

Trump: "I didn't know that, no. I didn't know that. No. I hope's okay. I did not know that, no."

The Sun: "She said she'd move to Canada if you got elected. It turned out she moved to Britain."

Trump: "Well, that'll be good. There are a lot of people moving here. So, what can I say? No, I didn't know that she was nasty."

The Sun: "Is it good having an American princess though, Mr. President?"

Trump: "I think it's nice. I think it's nice. I'm sure she'll do excellently. She'll be very good. She'll be very good. I hope she does."

So Trump's use of 'nasty' refers to the second definition, i.e. malicious, mean-spirited. He is talking about her negativity toward him becoming president.

Now the question is how many people have misinterpreted the quote as Trump referring to Markle as 'foul' or 'filthy,' i.e. the first definition.

If Trump has called Markle 'filthy,' it would be understandably offensive, but for him to refer to her as 'nasty' in reference to being told by reporters that she hates him, isn't that just an accurate description?

What is he supposed to call her after being told that the woman hates him, "kind?" "sweet?" "good-hearted?" If someone openly participates in a hate campaign against you, there's little else you can say about them but that they are a nasty person.

What word would you have used if you were Trump in this interview?
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 05:45 pm
Well, someone who had grace and couth could have easily sidestepped the whole conversation by just a simple "America wishes her well."

And let it go.

Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 05:55 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

Well, someone who had grace and couth could have easily sidestepped the whole conversation by just a simple "America wishes her well."

And let it go.

He didn't comment the first time the interviewer mentioned it. So the interviewer went on about it, because he wanted a comment on Markle's negative sentiments toward Trump.

You think Trump should have just changed the subject to avoid commenting on what the reporter said? Why? Why shouldn't Trump comment on someone saying that she'd move to Canada if he got elected? Because she married into royalty? Does royal status even mean anything special to a republican, i.e. a person who doesn't believe in monarchy as a legitimate basis of power?

Are you sorry not to see her? Because she wasn't so nice about you during the campaign. I don't know if you saw that."

Trump: "I didn't know that, no. I didn't know that. No. I hope's okay. I did not know that, no."

The Sun: "She said she'd move to Canada if you got elected. It turned out she moved to Britain."

Trump: "Well, that'll be good. There are a lot of people moving here. So, what can I say? No, I didn't know that she was nasty."
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 05:59 pm
Yes, I believe he doesn't have to comment about every thing all the time. Come on, he IS the president. Show some dignity and some class.
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 06:03 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

Yes, I believe he doesn't have to comment about every thing all the time. Come on, he IS the president. Show some dignity and some class.

Do you think Markle should have shown 'some dignity and class' instead of expressing hate for him publicly?

What ever happened to saying respectfully and politely that you strongly disagree with someone's political views and that you hope they don't get elected for that reason?

Certainly Trump respects her right to a political opinion that doesn't favor him as president; but when someone says they'll leave the country if you become president; that's just hateful, isn't it? A lot of people said it, for sure, but does that make it any less of a nasty thing to say?

What if someone had said that they would leave the UK if Markle married Prince Harry? Wouldn't that be a nasty thing to say?
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 06:11 pm
Yes, Meghan Markle should have shown dignity and class herself.

It seems you're quite pleased with our president acting like a child, who cannot restrain himself when provoked.

Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 06:56 pm
"Nasty woman" has worked for him before.
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 06:57 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

Yes, Meghan Markle should have shown dignity and class herself.

It seems you're quite pleased with our president acting like a child, who cannot restrain himself when provoked.

I'm not pleased when anyone acts like a mean-spirited child, but I don't think it was nasty of Trump to use the word, 'nasty,' in response to being told that someone said nasty things about him.

I'd like to see political discourse be a lot more respectful and, above all, reason-based instead of being tactical and manipulative at the emotional level.
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 06:59 pm
coldjoint wrote:

"Nasty woman" has worked for him before.

I think he meant it in the same way, i.e. in response to mean-spirited behavior.

I could be wrong, though. Do you have any quotes with context that could show he was using the word, 'nasty' to mean something more, well, nasty, i.e. the first meaning of the word, not the second?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 07:01 pm
For someone of his stature as the leader of a nation, I'd hope he's risen above such words and dismiss the whole thing.
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 07:04 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

For someone of his stature as the leader of a nation, I'd hope he's risen above such words and dismiss the whole thing.

Do you think Markle has, i.e. for someone of her stature as mother of an heir to a throne?

Here's the big picture: Trump didn't do anything insulting by using the word, 'nasty,' in the context he did. He was simply describing behavior. It would be the same as if someone said Trump responds to nastiness in kind, by saying nasty things back. That is simply true. Trump stands up for himself, even if it means rolling up his sleeves and getting a little nasty.
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 07:14 pm
For someone of his stature as the leader of a nation, I'd hope he's risen above such words and dismiss the whole thing.

And when did that happen? Trump is easy to figure out because he says what he means, and means what he says. It does not get anymore transparent or more honest.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Jun, 2019 07:21 pm
At the time she made her comments about Trump, she was not heir to anything besides campy Hallmark movies. Therefore not subjected to the same kind of scrutiny she is now. Looking back, she may have regrets about what she said.

Trump sets verbal assaults any time he feels like it. No reticence and no wisdom. This is the legacy that will follow him throughout the ages: the usage of the word "nasty" when asked about English royalty.

Markle's comments will fade into oblivion. Trump's will be amplified and replayed as this is how an American President talks.

So I ask you, is this really what you're proud of?
Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 12:56 am
You expect dignity from a man who is a liar and a crooked thief? Being elected president change a ,mans?, character. He is what he has always been.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 07:56 am
neptuneblue wrote:

At the time she made her comments about Trump, she was not heir to anything besides campy Hallmark movies. Therefore not subjected to the same kind of scrutiny she is now. Looking back, she may have regrets about what she said.

The wonderful thing about living in the forgiveness of Christ is that we are free to reflect on things we've done and said in the past without facing condemnation. Everyone has to go through a life of mistakes to learn and reprove/improve as we go. Hopefully what she said at the time was a sincere expression of her perspective at that time, just as Trump's description of her as 'nasty' was a sincere reflection on what the interviewer told him about her.

The bottom line is that while these things get overblown in the media in the interest of stimulating conflict and thus audience intrigue, they are just sincere expression by people trying to be courageous and stand up for themselves and what they believe to be right. Standing up courageously often results in conflict, so the challenge is to keep the peace throughout the conflicts that result from honesty, so that we have democracy that is simultaneously honest and also peace-loving and respectful.

Trump sets verbal assaults any time he feels like it. No reticence and no wisdom. This is the legacy that will follow him throughout the ages: the usage of the word "nasty" when asked about English royalty.

I think Trump has courage and a sense of right and wrong. It may step on your toes when he expresses his POV, but if you had reticence and wisdom, you would respect him for what he is and doing what he does and just appreciate the fact that you have perspectival differences with him.

Markle's comments will fade into oblivion. Trump's will be amplified and replayed as this is how an American President talks.

So I ask you, is this really what you're proud of?

Pride is a sin. I am happy he is honest and direct. It would be bad if he was fake and underhanded.

The media do what they do, for better or worse. It's easy to wonder when they think they are doing right journalistically and when they know they are abusing their journalistic power for ulterior motives. They will answer for their actions in the hereafter just like everyone else. In God's grand machine, everything ends up playing a role, for better or worse, and everything works out the way it ultimately does.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 08:10 am
livinglava wrote:
What word would you have used if you were Trump in this interview?

So this isn't really the accurate question. The accurate question is, "Isn't Trump such an honest and respectful person to call English royalty "nasty"?

You betcha...

Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 11:28 am
neptuneblue wrote:

livinglava wrote:
What word would you have used if you were Trump in this interview?

So this isn't really the accurate question. The accurate question is, "Isn't Trump such an honest and respectful person to call English royalty "nasty"?

Why don't you just answer the question instead of making little judgmental comments?

All I asked was what better word he could have used. If you don't have a better choice, it sounds like you defer to his choice of word as the best to describe what he was describing under the circumstances of the interview in question.
Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 11:53 am
Why don't YOU admit Trump acted inappropriately, as usual?

All I ask is for a President not to be a national embarrassment. It sounds like you enjoy having to defend an immature individual.
Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 12:08 pm
neptuneblue wrote:

Why don't YOU admit Trump acted inappropriately, as usual?

I would have been as critical of Trump as I would of anyone else if Trump-hate hadn't become a national-, no global-, sport. I end up having to defend Trump because of all the people who are biased against him. One day, when the Trump-hate storm has blown over, I'm sure I will look back and note things critically, but if I did that currently, it would only feed into the frenzy that is not really about him at all, but about undermining his power in order to re-establish the global economic order that abuses the borders and free trade to the benefit of drug dealers and prostitute-pimps/abortionists.

All I ask is for a President not to be a national embarrassment. It sounds like you enjoy having to defend an immature individual.

The Trump-hate culture is extremely immature and a global embarrassment, whether it's a bunch of fools in London flying a stupid ugly orange blimp or a bunch of fools in the US calling for impeachment because they like cocaine and abortions with their sex.

There are real issues to solve, yet all these people can do is focus on who's in the white house. What they should be doing instead of talking about Green New Deals is changing their transportation and consumer habits and diets and stop cutting down trees and/or rewarding those who do. Instead of complaining about the fact that pro-lifers who have been waiting decades for respect are finally gaining ground, they should be figuring out how to keep women safe from rape, rape-murders, and whatever other ways that men will force, coerce, and manipulate them into taking sexual risks that lead to pregnancy and then trying to avoid culpability for the baby or (illegal)abortion that follows.

Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2019 12:17 pm
I really don't get it. You know calling someone nasty isn't a term of endearment. Yet you allow and make excuses for him. This isn't a political issue, it's decorum and manners.

I expect my president to reflect the values of the American people. He should hold his personal beliefs aside and speak for us as a leader. Not a childish ingrate. For you not to recognize the difference is why we're in this perdicament in the first place.

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