Mount Blanc between France and Italy.
nope, neither France nor Italy.
There are many folk tales about this mountain. One is that when God finished creating Earth, he sent one of his angels to do some extra work in the part of the world he loved the most.... Angel flew above this mountain, admiring it, but touched it with his wing and the mountain bent down forever.
Other has to do with the gold that was mined there in the past. Villagers were arguing about where to put boundaries of their villages.. They agreed on a contest: if one village can push this mountain, they can set boundaries as they like. One village truly managed to push the mountain. As people from other villages saw that, they tied a rope at the top of the mountain and pushed it back....until it broke....
My favorite one is a love story, of course. I don't remember the details, but it had to do with a young woman looking for her man, they had a secret meeting on the mountain as they were forbidden to marry.... Needless to say they both died. When the mountain saw that, its heart broke of sadness and streams of tears are falling from the top ever since then.
Gerlach, Carpathian Mountains in Eastern Europe.
(May have to explore your story next and search further if above is wrong).
Vey very close! You got the right mountains, the High Tatras, which are a part of the Carpathian range. This mountain is a little smaller than Gerlach, though not by much.
I must be looking at the Lomnicky Peak in Slovakia near the Polish border?
again, close. This one is just above Strbske Pleso. I think you're legitimately close enough to get the next round.
It is Krivan (meaning bent), and I spent every summer and every winter gazing up at it from our mountain lodge. One of the most beautiful spots on this planet for sure, in fact for me The #1 place.
Looks magnificient dagmaraka, had Krivao Peak jotted down as my next submission. Will post new one in a tick.

Where am I? Had to keep the picture large to appreciate the beautiful scenery.
reminds me either of yugoslavia (croatia) or greece....
A long way from Europe......
More like Milford Sound, New Zealand.
Amazingly ugly light standards, hmmm, where could they be from....
It looks like a takeoff on Bramante's design for St. Peter's.
There's some idea, Osso.
But Italians didn't do that..
(I figured they didn't...)
Right now I'm looking around Russia (something about the cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky, but that's not it), have been to Armenia and Finland... in the last few minutes.
Well, we'll see. Someone else may get it before I do, as I'll be going out fairly soon.
I could imagine that's a church in a German speaking country.