Krysia wrote:I posted here a million years ago, saying that I was thinking of moving out and such...
The time is drawing near and I need more help!

I found a few listings online for places that are relatively inexpensive and are in the perfect location. I've asked people online about them, and no one says anything negative (or so negative that it's a no-deal for me).
Now... how do I secure a place? I have phone numbers, but I have no idea what to ask them. Since I won't move until mid-July, do I expect them to make a deal with me so soon? I don't think they'd like the idea of holding a place for 2 months or so with no money coming in!
Call them, ask to talk with the owner while you are on the line. Explain that you are looking to move in, in a couple of months. Find out if that's feasible. If that's okay, ask see the place (you should look at EVERY potential place to live before handing over cash, particularly since you're moving out of state. You really should not be doing this from online,
fly there and do it in person. That way, you'll learn if "charming" really means charming or if it means small, and if "pets allowed" means that or that there are rats running around.).
Krysia wrote:How can I get from South FL to northern MA and not spend a zillion dollars? I only have some clothes and my computer, but I really don't drive much (anxiety). I know it'd be cheaper, but I'm just so scared of getting behind the wheel. Are there any other options for me that I don't know about?
Thanks in advance!
Does Northern MA mean Cambridge, or does it mean Plymouth? Prices vary throughout the region, but the farther you are away from Boston, in general, the cheaper things are. That doesn't necessarily mean dirt-cheap, it's means cheap
er. Contact U-Haul or Ryder and rent a truck if you don't have a car or have a friend or family member who can drive it for you. This is assuming that you have too much stuff to haul in your own car (if you have one). If that's not the case, you can ask a friend or relative to drive your car. Be sure to cover their hotel and food bills as this is a major favor. If you can't get someone to cover the entire trip from FL to MA, or if you can't get anyone at all, consider the Auto Train. Call up Amtrak (1-800-USA-RAIL) and find out the details. You can take your car on a train, from I believe it's Northern FL to VA. That's about halfway. It's helpful but not perfect, plus of course it's not free. But that is an option.
Best of luck to you.